Alternative to DISTRICTSolv from ARCBridge
Maptitude for
Redistricting is the professional tool for political
redistricting. It is used by a supermajority of the state
legislatures, political parties, and public interest groups.
Designed with the help of redistricting professionals, state
legislatures, and political parties, Maptitude for Redistricting has
the features redistricters want and is easy to learn and use. There
are many benefits when you use Maptitude for Redistricting as a
replacement for DISTRICTSolv™ from ARCBridge:
- Organize plans, create any number of plan types, and save them as plan templates
- Create new plans from a map, template, or existing plan
- Import and merge plans created by Maptitude for Redistricting or other redistricting software
- Add political data and election results
- Designate the control field, number of districts, ideal value, and summary fields
- Easily manage districts
- Capture the current status of a plan as a snapshot
- Display attributes for any layer using labels, themes, or dataviews
- Identify communities of interest
- Easily find unassigned areas
- List all noncontiguous portions of districts
- Compute measures of compactness
- Export a plan to standard equivalency file formats
- Integrate your plans with Google Maps and Google Earth
- Generate and print over 35 reports and group reports together in report sets
- Print a complete plan
Maptitude for Redistricting replacement for DISTRICTSolv
Maptitude for Redistricting alternative to DISTRICTSolv
Try an interactive Maptitude Online
Redistricting map now!
This map allows you to compare the Pre-2020 Texas congressional districts (36 districts) to
the Post-2020 Texas congressional districts (38 districts)
- To hide or show one of the district layers: Click
then toggle on or off the blue checkboxes next to New Congress
Boundaries or Old Congress Boundaries.
- To zoom to a location: Click
enter an address, city, or state in Texas, and click
Search. Information about the old and new districts
for the location you chose will display in the Info pane.
- To see information about the old and new
districts for any location: Click
then click anywhere on the map to see information about the
old and new districts in the Info pane. (At least one of the
district layers must be visible to use this tool.)
Need to share and publish your redistricting plans and maps?
Contact us for a demo now!
“The redistricting tools in Maptitude are significantly more
advanced than Autobound, and Maptitude is much faster at key steps.
In one state, we were sharing plans across a team of three GIS
technicians and among about 3 public groups who had their own GIS
capability. Our team and the two outside groups could create an
equivalency file, put it on a disk to share, and get it open and
fully working on another Maptitude computer in under 10 minutes. We
would often provide and receive plans in the fifteen minutes before
a Redistricting Commission meeting began, and then all of us could
view and discuss the plans live on any computer for the hearing.
The one poor guy using Autobound took between one and four HOURS to
import an equivalency file, depending on the number of districts in
the plan, so he typically had to look on with someone's Maptitude
software during the meeting.”
Douglas Johnson, National Demographics Corporation
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