Maptitude is a Trimble® FastMap™ replacement software that is an easy-to-use desktop-based GIS application suitable for asset management and map creation.
Maptitude supports your GIS data in the field.
Maptitude also has GPS support, allowing you to track your location at the street level, perform field data collection using Delorme GPX files for example, or create and edit geographic files by adding attributes such as street names.
You can further enhance your maps by using the included tools for accessing free imagery from the Internet. With a single mouse click you can download aerial imagery and topographic maps from Google Earth or any image server (WMS).
“With GPS and mapping software like Maptitude, you can embark on geographic projects once left to professionals. For example, a salesperson can mark the locations of customers visited, a developer can map the boundaries of a new subdivision, and an electrician can trace lines for miles. Once data has been collected in the computer, all sorts of measurements and predictions are possible.”
Trimble FastMap Alternative: Use GPS mapping to track locations and mark those locations on a Maptitude map
FastMap Replacement: Record points with a GPS and use them to map new subdivisions, hiking trails, utility lines, and more
Maptitude |
There are many benefits when you use Maptitude as an alternative to FastMap™:√ Maptitude is the easiest-to-use full featured mapping software, and includes powerful tools such as multi-ring drive-time zones √ Maptitude has no subscription fees and supports secure off-line data storage
√ Maptitude provides fully customizable maps with unlimited point icons √ Maptitude has unlimited pin-mapping/geocoding √ Maptitude has a full suite of mapping tools √ Maptitude includes free mapping data and demographics covering everything from population statistics to business locations, postal/ZIP Codes, and more! |
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