Maptitude is a robust and easy-to-use mapping tool that incorporates three-dimensions (3D). Maptitude provides all the features that your organization requires in order to take advantage of the geographic elements underpinning successful 3D, surface, and terrain-based projects.
Maptitude costs only US$695 and is packaged as a one-stop-solution, shipping with all the tools required to allow infrastructure professionals (analysts, surveyors, architects, planners, civil engineers, geoscientists and designers) to model 3D data.
Maptitude includes an easy-to-use but powerful 3D heat mapping tool that you can use to illustrate your data for area layers such as postal/ZIP Codes or sales territories.The 3-D theme tool supports the visualization of two columns of data via choices for both color and height. This mapping video shows how to create 3D thematic maps.
3D thematic mapping with the Maptitude
The 3D View allows you to visualize maps in stunning and compelling ways, enabling you to explore locations with an audience in ways that just aren't possible in two dimensions (2D). By presenting your data in a realistic 3D perspective, decision makers, influencers and stakeholders will have better insights into your work.
With Maptitude you can analyze and display surfaces on a 2D map or as a 3D View. You can prepare the surface from any point layer that contains elevation values, typically measured in feet or meters above sea level. Maptitude can also create surfaces that represent data values such as measures of air pollution, levels of radon gas over a geographic region. These models may be used to generate contours or to interpolate data values at specific locations. For more information see the Maptitude 3D mapping page.
Use Maptitude surface analysis tools as a replacement for Surfer
√ Maptitude is the easiest-to-use full featured mapping software, and includes powerful tools 3D and geographic analysis tools
√ Maptitude has no subscription fees, and supports secure off-line data storage
√ Maptitude provides fully customizable maps with unlimited point icons
√ Maptitude has unlimited pin-mapping/geocoding
√ Maptitude includes free mapping data and demographics covering everything from population statistics to business locations, postal/ZIP Codes, and more!
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