Health Insurance Mapping Software

The dynamics of health insurance coverage vary substantially across regions. Maptitude allows you to map these differences in public vs. private insurance, those without insurance, and coverage for those who are employed or unemployed. These figures can also be compared to population density, age distribution, disease prevalence, race, ethnicity, poverty and the ability to access care.

There are many benefits when you use Maptitude health insurance mapping software:

  • Use the included health insurance coverage and other demographic data at the state, county, ZIP Code, and tract level
  • Locate unlimited records by address using the street data included with any of the Maptitude Country Packages
  • Quickly see the information and trends hidden in your geographic data
  • Create 3-D maps, heat maps, territories, drive-time rings, hot-spots, charts, and reports
  • Import, analyze, segment, and report on data in almost any format
  • Use location intelligence to filter and categorize data
  • Print, export, manage, share, and use located-based results
  • Contact us via phone and email during your 60 days of free technical support!
  • Use Maptitude address mapping software and start seeing better maps and better results – Now!

Maptitude is competitively priced and enables organizations and businesses to use their location-based data to improve decision making. Why spend more for less?

Ben Browning

“As the Primary Care Association for Florida, we are able to map Community Health Center locations and overlay surrounding data built into Maptitude to assist in planning and responding to the needs and social determinants of health for over one and a half million patients, as well as all Floridians (everyone is eligible to be an FQHC patient). The ability to import data and simultaneously look below the surface to map transportation, economic conditions, and other key demographic characteristics provides an additional means by which Health Centers can strategize and implement action plans in addressing the health and environment in/around their service areas. This tool is very powerful, once able to harness the full extent of its scope.”

Ben Browning
Vice President, PCA Operations, Programs and Policy
Florida Association of Community Health Centers, Inc.
Tallahassee, Florida
Sioux Remer

“I discovered Maptitude in 1995 when it was first released and have used it exclusively in my health/hospital planning career. It has been indispensable in terms of product quality, affordability and ease of use. I was able to make a variety of custom maps of hospital patient data for executive-level decision support. There is nothing to dislike about Maptitude - it has gotten easier to use over the years and is still the 'best bang for the buck.'

Sioux Remer
Mgr., Strategic & Business Planning, Bronson Health
Battle Creek, Michigan

 Start Mapping Now 

Maptitude Demo


The best health insurance mapping software! Here's why:

√  Maptitude is the easiest-to-use full featured mapping software, and includes powerful tools such as multi-ring drive-time zones

√  Maptitude has no subscription fees, and supports secure off-line data storage

√  Maptitude provides fully customizable maps with unlimited point icons

√  Maptitude has unlimited pin-mapping/geocoding

√  Maptitude includes free mapping data and demographics covering everything from population statistics to business locations, postal/ZIP Codes, and more!

G2 ReviewsCheck out our G2 Reviews
4.7/5 of 139 reviews
4.7 stars

 Start Mapping Now 

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Newton MA 02461 USA

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