ArcGIS Redistricting

Maptitude for Redistricting is now available as an ArcGIS extension. As a result, you have access to the redistricting functionality and ease-of-use of Maptitude for Redistricting while leveraging your in-house expertise in ArcGIS software and all of your existing Oracle, SQL Server, DB2, and other data through the ArcGIS DBMS support.

With the ArcGIS redistricting extension, you can integrate online content from Esri to create more informative maps for building districts and more professional maps for printing. You can also export your plans to Google Earth.

The ArcGIS redistricting extension features a Plan Manager that serves as your redistricting control center. Use it to organize plans, create any number of plan types (e.g., congressional, state house, state senate, and school district), and save them as Plan Templates. To create a plan, simply choose a template or an existing plan and enter a new name. You can organize plans in libraries by plan type, user, security access, etc., and you can locate, copy, change settings, and password-protect plans.

The ArcGIS redistricting extension includes a custom menu and toolbox that let you:

  • Create a new plan from a map or template. You only have to enter the settings once. From then on, you can create a new plan by picking the appropriate template or existing plan.
  • Import and merge plans created with the extension or other redistricting software.
  • Designate the control field, number of districts, ideal value, and summary fields.
  • Include any number of data fields in the same plan; a one-button toggle between field sets lets you display only the data of interest at any particular time.
  • Assign both an ID and a long name to districts, rename districts, lock districts, and manage multiple districts.
  • Add areas from any geographic layer to a district by clicking, by dragging a box, by circle, by polygon, or by line. You can select from the entire jurisdiction or limit the selection to unassigned areas or one district. As you add areas to a district, Maptitude for Redistricting redraws the district boundaries and updates the control and summary fields to reflect changes to the current plan.
  • Capture the current status of a plan as a snapshot. Each plan can have one or more snapshots organized by date and time under the same plan name. Return to any snapshot, and use it as a departure point in the evolution of the plan or as the starting point for a new plan.
  • Find unassigned areas and noncontiguous districts. Toolboxes make it easy to zoom to and fix problems.
  • Identify communities of interest. Keep them intact within the same district, and lock them so that you cannot accidentally reassign them to different districts. Alternatively, for communities that you do split into multiple districts, run the Communities of Interest reports to calculate the total and percent population of the community in each district.
  • Compute measures of compactness to assess or defend the districts in a plan. Maptitude for Redistricting computes all of the recognized measures of geographic compactness including the Reock, Schwartzberg, Perimeter, Polsby-Popper, Length-Width, Population Polygon, Population Circle, and Ehrenburg metrics.
  • Export to standard equivalency file formats that can be read by other redistricting software and the Department of Justice.
  • Generate and print over 35 reports including population summary, error check, political subdivision splits, incumbents, plan statistics, plan components (bill language), plan comparison, communities of interest, measures of compactness, and more. Create custom reports and add them to the report menu.

Maptitude is the perfect solution for adding additional GIS users where Esri software is already in use. Maptitude:

Map Esri Shapefiles, Geodatabase, and more...
  • Integrates with other vendor products by supporting formats such as Esri shapefiles, Esri geodatabases, and Esri ArcMap maps (more...)
  • Has lower costs, lower barriers to use, and a lower learning curve
  • Can be installed and used within minutes of receiving a download of the software
  • Has low IT support needs as an MS Office style application
  • Has low ongoing costs (one-off pricing with optional annual upgrades)
  • Is commonly used where there is already an Esri installation

Easy to Learn and Use

Maptitude for Redistricting Extension for ArcGIS includes online help and detailed manuals packed with step-by-step instructions and tutorials. The Plan Manager leads you through the process of creating your first plan and speeds the creation of all additional plans. Caliper also offers classroom training at your site or at our headquarters in Newton, Massachusetts.

Try an interactive Maptitude Online Redistricting map now!

This map allows you to compare the Pre-2020 Texas congressional districts (36 districts) to the Post-2020 Texas congressional districts (38 districts)

  • To hide or show one of the district layers: Click Layers Button then toggle on or off the blue checkboxes next to New Congress Boundaries or Old Congress Boundaries.
  • To zoom to a location: Click Search Button, enter an address, city, or state in Texas, and click Search. Information about the old and new districts for the location you chose will display in the Info pane.
  • To see information about the old and new districts for any location: Click Info Button, then click anywhere on the map to see information about the old and new districts in the Info pane. (At least one of the district layers must be visible to use this tool.)

Need to share and publish your redistricting plans and maps? Contact us for a demo now!

Learn More

For more information on the Maptitude for Redistricting ArcGIS Extension, please download the brochure or contact Caliper Corporation (email: or call +1 617-527-4700).

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