Mapping, GIS, & Transportation Software Solutions |
El Peruano - Diario Oficial Del Bicentenario: Aprueban el "Modelo de Transporte Estratégico, Versión 1.0"
(Nov. 15, 2021)
Traffic Technology International: Florida DOT picks Caliper Corporation for traffic modeling
(April 23, 2021)
Diário do Transporte: USP cria banco de dados com as linhas municipais em São Paulo
(March 27, 2017)
INDIA New England: Kanchana Nanduri Co-Writes a Paper that Says Better Traffic Signals Can Cut Greenhouse Gas Emissions
(March 31, 2015)
Nashua Telegraph: Hate your commute? Come to Science Cafe and get an idea of how it came to be that way
(March 16, 2015) Stadio della Roma, il 26 febbraio ci sarà un seminario su "Accessibilità e impatto sulla mobilità"
(February 16, 2015)
(August 13, 2014)
Noozhawk: UCSB Professor Receives Geographic Information Science Research Award
(May 5, 2014)
The Virginian Pilot: Virginia Beach finishes model to predict traffic effects
(June 11, 2014)
MIT News: Cellphone data helps pinpoint source of traffic tie-ups
(December 20, 2012)
The Corradino Group: Kentucky Transportation
Cabinet Statewide Planning Traffic Modeling
(April 13, 2012)
KentuckySpeedway: Stantec, Kentucky Speedway Present Quaker State 400 Weekend Traffic Simulation Tool
(March 21, 2012)
Ithaca Times: Ithaca: Town Planning Committee reviews traffic analysis for west hill area
(March 15, 2012) Kentucky Speedway getting the fix on traffic
(Feb. 25, 2012)
USDOT CCTP Status Report: TAZ Delineation for Use in CTPP
(January 2011)
GBNRTC Newsletter: Simulation of
Regional Traffic Fascinates
(4th Quarter 2010, Courtesy of Greater Buffalo-Niagara Regional
Transportation Council)
Upgrades to ITRE transportation software laboratory address future research
and training needs
(Nov. 5, 2010)
The Pine Tree.Net: UPLAN Models
County's Growth
(July 1, 2008)
Scottsdale Republic:
Software helps
transportation planners make decisions
(Nov. 23, 2007)
CNN: Anderson Cooper 360: Changing the Face of Traffic
(June 14, 2006)
Transport Xtra: SDG using TransCAD to
build a public transport model for Blackpool
(April 28, 2011)
TransCAD Used Extensively in
Leeds City Region DaSTS Connectivity Study; see
DaSTS Study Appendix
(May 2010)
St Albans Urban Transport Plan recommends updates of the existing models plus
the development
of a public transport model (using TransCAD).
(May 2008)
Scottish Transport Review:
Planning Bus Services in
Edinburgh Using Accessibility Modeling (Spring 2005, pg 7)
TransCAD used in
Visitor Indicator Report for the
ODPM (2005)
Transport Assessment for the proposed new town at
Northstowe (South Cambridgeshire)
uses TransCAD Gravity Model (2004)
WSP Group Awarded Mass Transit Study featuring TransCAD (2003)
TransCAD identified in DfT report as one of the main software
options for freight modelling in Great Britain (2002)
Diaria El Sol: Gerencia de Transportes
prepara Proyecto de transito urbano
(Feb. 26, 2009) Provincial Municipality of Cusco (Peru) restructuring transit system with TransCAD
La Política: Tecnología ayudará a mejorar movilidad urbana en Xalapa
(July 2, 2012)
La Política: Xalapa apantallará con programa de tráfico virtual
(June 26, 2012)
Plumas Libres: Software ayudará en la
integración del estudio de movilidad urbana
(June 21, 2012)
Revista TLaCuiLo: Nuevo Software ayudará en la integración del estudio de movilidad urbana
(June 21, 2012)
Trivandrum Rising Blog: Moving the City - A Mass Transit Future for Trivandrum (India)
(April 1, 2012)
Multi-modal transportation model for
New Delhi Elevated expressway
developed using TransCAD (2005)
Sétra: TransCAD: Towards Multimodal Traffic Studies
(Page 3, 2011)
Sétra: Les outils d'évaluation des projets routiers: D'Ariane
à TransCAD
(February 2010)
SETEC: Études Generales de Transport:
Tramway de Reims,
Toulon Provence Mediterranee, y
Tramway de Marseille
(2006) TransCAD transportation planning and GIS platform is used
by China Institute for Civil Aviation Science and Technology
(January 10, 2011)
News.AZ: WSP Finland Strategic Transport Plan for the
Baku, Azerbaijani
(December 17, 2010)
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