Mapping, GIS, & Transportation Software Solutions |
NEWTON, MASSACHUSETTS (USA) - Caliper Corporation is pleased to announce the release and immediate availability of TransCAD 8.0. In its eighth major version, our market-leading TransCAD software continues the tradition of augmenting the existing functionality and improving computational performance for travel demand modeling and GIS applications. Some highlights are noted below.
General Transit Feed Specification (GTFS) Editing – TransCAD 8.0 can import GTFS files and automatically place the routes on an accurate street layer such as a HERE database. Once imported into TransCAD, public transport routes can be edited, future routes can be added, and the routes can be exported to a new GTFS file that can be read by FTA’s STOPS program.
New Discrete Choice and ABM Modules – While all major ABM variants run with TransCAD, we are providing native discrete choice and ABM modules to provide friendlier and higher-performance computations in future new models. Added to the set of provided models are easy-to-apply nested logit models for destination choice with optional shadow pricing to enforce destination trip total constraints. TransCAD will also support application of the Multiple Discrete Continuous Extreme Value (MDCEV) and hazard duration models.
New Graphics and Reporting Engine – We have replaced all of the charts and reports with a much more powerful and elegant set of capabilities. There are many more chart types and reports, and all are enhanced for greater readability and enhanced presentations.
Flowchart Interface Enhancements – The flowchart interface is now the preferred way to run models. TransCAD provides a flowchart-based model manager that is a graphical environment to let developers easily assemble models and specify inputs, outputs, and model parameters. For model users, the flowchart interface helps modelers understand the structure of demand models, set up parallel processing, and launch scenario runs.
Vehicle Routing Solutions – TransCAD has been enhanced to work well with data from HERE, and Caliper can supply routable national street datasets for many countries. In conjunction with facilitating the use of HERE data for routing in TransCAD, we have added a new vehicle routing toolbox and enhanced vehicle routing solutions.
Checking Networks and Best Routes with Google – Ever wonder if your own road networks give routes that are reasonable and are the same as or similar to those from Google? A new tool in TransCAD will automatically query Google and let you compare shortest paths from place to place. You can also generate travel time and distance matrices.
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Caliper Corporation is a leading developer of transportation and mapping software. Caliper software is used by more than 70,000 users in over 70 countries.
GTFS file import
Vehicle routing solutions
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