Mapping, GIS, & Transportation Software Solutions |
TransCAD is the most comprehensive, flexible, and capable travel demand modeling software ever created. TransCAD supports all important styles of travel demand modeling including sketch planning methods, four-step demand models, activity models, and other advanced disaggregate modeling techniques, and comes with the most extensive set of traffic assignment models ever assembled for use by planners and traffic engineers.
TransCAD is the most widely used software for forecasting in the United States, preferred by more than 70% of metropolitan regional planning agencies who do modeling, used by more than 40 State DOT's, and used by the Federal Highway Administration and Federal Railroad Administration for freight models.
TransModeler can simulate all kinds of road networks, from freeways to downtown areas, and can analyze wide area multimodal networks in great detail and with high fidelity. You can model and visualize the behavior of complex traffic systems in a 2-dimensional or 3-dimensional GIS environment to illustrate and evaluate traffic flow dynamics, traffic signal and ITS operations, and overall network performance.
Caliper has extensive and diverse experience in transportation planning. We are well-known for skills and services in urban transportation and transit planning. Caliper is one of the leaders in demand forecasting for transportation systems and we have developed models for some of the largest travel markets in the U.S. We have performed strategic planning studies and demand forecasting for many leading transportation companies.
Transportation Planning Projects
TransModeler Simulation Projects
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