Maptitude GISDK Help |
Creates charts and graphics.
Name |
Type |
Contents |
UserChartControlWindow |
string |
If not null, use an existing window instead of creating a new one |
WindowTitle |
string |
Name of chart window |
Title |
string |
Chart title |
ChartTitles |
array |
array of chart titles strings. See method AddTitle |
AxisXTitle |
string |
X axis title string |
AxisXLabelAngle |
int |
Label angle |
LogarithmicAxisX |
boolean |
if true, then make axis logarithmic |
AxisXAlignment |
string |
alignment of x axis (Zero, Near, or Far ) |
LogarithmicAxisY |
boolean |
if true, then make axis logarithmic |
AxisYTitle |
string |
Y axis title string |
AxisYAlignment |
string |
alignment of Y axis (Zero, Near, or Far ) |
LegendVisible |
bool |
show or hide chart legend |
MarkerVisibility |
bool |
Show or hide point markers |
AlwaysShowZeroLevelAxisX |
bool |
AlwaysShowZeroLevelAxisY |
bool |
SetRangeAxisX |
array |
min and maximum values |
SetRangeAxisY |
array |
min and maximum values |
DataSource(array options)
Define the data for the chart.
Option |
Type |
Description |
DataView |
string |
Name of the dataview |
SetName |
string |
Optional. Name of the set for the chart |
Clear all series data.
Clear all series titles.
AddTitle(array options)
Add a title to the chart diagram.
Option |
Type |
Description |
Text |
string |
Title text |
FontName |
string |
Name of the font (Verdana, etc.). Default is Arial |
FontSize |
int |
Font size. Default is 8 |
Alignment |
int |
Default is Center. One of Center, Left, Right |
Bold |
bool |
Default is false |
Italic |
bool |
Default is false |
Underline |
bool |
Default is false |
Strikeout |
bool |
Default is false |
AxisX(array options)
Definition of X Axis.
Option |
Type |
Description |
Title |
string |
Title text |
Angle |
numeric |
Angle of axis labels |
TitleFont |
string |
Name of the font (Verdana, etc.). Default is Arial |
LabelFont |
string |
Name of the font (Verdana, etc.). Default is Arial |
Logarithmic |
bool |
Default is false |
Alignment |
string |
Zero, Near or Far. Default is Near |
TextPattern |
string |
Text pattern |
Margin |
numeric |
Margin size |
ScaleMode |
string |
Automatic, Continuous, Interval or Manual |
AxisY(array options)
Definition of Y Axis. See options above.
AddSeries(array options)
Add a data series from a view set.
Option |
Type |
Description |
Name |
string |
Series Name |
Y |
string |
Name of Y axis data field (value field) |
X |
string |
Name of X axis data field (argument field) |
Type |
string |
Type of series, one of (Bar, Bar3D, ManhattanBar, StackedBar, StackedBar3D, SideBySideStackedBar, SideBySideStackedBar3D, RotatedBar, RotatedBar3D, RotatedStackedBar, RotatedStackedBar3D, Point, Line, StackedLine, StackedLine3D, Line3D, Spline, Spline3D, StepLine, StepLine3D, Pie, Pie3D, Doughnut, Doughnut3D, Area, Area3D, SplineArea, StackedSplineArea, FullStackedSplineArea, StepArea, StepArea3D) |
PointMarker |
string |
For point series one of (Circle, Cross, Diamond, Hexagon, InvertedTriangle, Pentagon, Plus, Squre, Star, Triangle) |
PointMarkerSize |
int |
For point series, the size in pixels ofthe point marker |
AddSeriesData(array options)
Add series data from array of values. For additional series option see AddSeries().
Option |
Type |
Description |
Name |
string |
Series name |
Arguments |
array |
Macro array with argument (X) values |
Values |
array |
Macro array with argument (Y) values |
Shows a window with the chart.
ExportChart(string fn, array options)
Export the chart to a file and optionally launches the exported document.
Parameters |
Type |
Description |
fn |
string |
Exports the chart to a file. Supported formats are: jpg, png, emf, wmf, bmp, pdf |
Options |
array | ||
OpenDocument |
bool |
Launch the document after exporting |
Height |
int |
Optional. Default value 400. Height of exported image in pixels |
Width |
int |
Optional. Default value 600. Width of exported image in pixels |
//Open tutorial file Parcel.bin ...
// Creates a chart of Land Value and SqFeet
macro "SimpleChartFromTable"
on error, notfound do
vw = GetView()
c = CreateObject("Caliper.Charts")
c.AddTitle({Text: "Sample Chart", Dock: "Top"})
c.AddTitle({Text: "Pop ans SqFeet"})
c.SetDatasource({DataView: vw})
c.AddSeries({Name: "Land Value", X: "Street", Y: "Land Value", PointMarker: "Triangle",
PointMarkerSize: 12, Type: "Bar"})
c.AddSeries({Name: "SqFeet", X: "Street", Y: "SqFeet", PointMarker: "Circle",
PointMarkerSize: 12, Type: "Bar"})
c.AxisX({Title: "Street"})
c.LimitAxisYToDataValues = True
macro "SimpleChartFromArrays"
on error, notfound do
c = CreateObject("Caliper.Charts")
c.AddTitle({Text: "Sample Chart from Array Values"})
c.AxisXTitle = "X"
c.AxisYTitle = "Y"
c.AddSeriesData({Name: "Series1", Arguments: {1, 2, 3, 4}, Values: {87, 45, -3, 22},
PointMarker: "Square", PointMarkerSize: 12, Type: "Line"})
c.AddSeriesData({Name: "Series2", Arguments: {1, 2, 3, 4}, Values: {22, 43, 432, 2},
PointMarker: "Triangle", PointMarkerSize: 12, Type: "Line"})
c.LimitAxisYToDataValues = True
// c.ExportChart(GetRandFileName("*.pdf"), {OpenDocument: true, Height: 400, Width: 900})
See Also:
©2025 Caliper Corporation | |