Maptitude GISDK Help |
Objects of this class encapsulate data about a path through a set of stops calculated by the Routing.Router class.
This function requires a HERE streets layer included with a Maptitude Country Package. For a list of available Country packages, please visit country packages
Name |
Type |
Contents |
PathDisplayWidth |
int |
Width of line style |
PathDisplayColor |
rgb |
Line color |
PathDisplayLinestyle |
style |
Line style |
Coords |
Returns an array of coords for the path through all the stops |
Value |
real |
The total value of the variable that was minimized during path calculation. i.e. if the Minimize property on the Router object was set to "Time" then this value represents the total driving time for the path in minutes, else if Minimize was set to "Distance" then it represents the total length of the Path in the current map units |
Time |
real |
Trip time/duration, including rest and night stay, with default work day start and end time defined in Routing.Router |
Distance |
real |
Total length of the path in the current map units |
Links |
Returns an array of link IDs for the path through all the stops. Each item has the following options |
ID |
int |
Link ID |
Direction |
int |
In direction of topology (1) or reverse (0) |
Split |
real |
proportion of link travelled (between 0 and 1.0) |
Stops |
Returns An array of option arrays describing the ordered stops along the path. Each item has the following options: |
Location |
coord |
The location of the stop snapped to the closest link |
Index |
int |
The index in the original set of stops represented by this item |
This function is requires the HERE streets layer included with a Maptitude Country Package. For a list of avaliable Country packages, please visit country packages
Displays a path annotation on the current map.
Removes path annotations.
// Generate a shortest path via 5 routing points and display on the current map window
Macro "RoutingExample1"
on error do
p1.Coordinate = Coord(-71259994, 42298892)
p1.StopDuration = 30
p1.StopName = "Babson College"
p2.Coordinate = Coord(-71250024, 42341178)
p2.StopName = "Lasell College"
p2.StopDuration = 120
p3.Coordinate = Coord(-71187232, 42298633)
p3.StopDuration = 43
p3.StopName = "Mount Ida College"
p4.Coordinate = Coord(-71197377, 42340143)
p4.StopName = "Boston College"
p5.Coordinate = Coord(-71310381, 42298016)
p5.StopName = "Wellesley College"
RoutingPoints = {p1, p2, p3, p4, p5}
router = CreateObject("Routing.Router")
router.Minimize = "Time"
router.IncludeRestStops = true
router.TimeBetweenRests = 5
router.RestStopDuration = 20
router.FuelPrice = 3.29
router.SingleThreaded = true
// Modify speed factor by link tyoe 1: slow, 4: Normal, 7: fast
router.MajorHighwaySpeedLevel = 4
router.SecondaryHighwaySpeedLevel = 4
router.LocalHighwaySpeedLevel = 4
router.ArterialSpeedLevel = 4
router.LocalRoadSpeedLevel = 4
spOpts = null
spOpts.Fix = "First"
spOpts.Loop = True
path = router.Calculate(RoutingPoints, spOpts)
if path.Error then
// create a report
ret = router.CreateReport({PathObj: path, OpenReport: true,
FileName: GetRandFileName("*.xlsx")})
if ret.Error then Throw(ret.ErrorMessage)
// ret = router.ExportToExcel({FileName: GetTempFileName("*.xlsx"), OpenExcel: true})
// if ret.Error then Throw(ret.ErrorMessage)
// Display path on current map
path.PathDisplayWidth = 60
shared cc_Colors
path.PathDisplayColor = cc_Colors.Red
// path.ClearPathDisplay()
// simple path from an origin coordinate to a destination coordinate
macro "RoutingExample3"
on error do
// Example near Newton, MA
OriginCoord = Coord(-71206120, 42321660)
DestCoord = Coord(-71164968, 42331357)
// StopTimes = {30, 20, null, 25}
router = CreateObject("Routing.Router")
router.Minimize = "Time"
router.FuelPrice = 3.29
path = router.CalculatePath(OriginCoord, DestCoord)
if path.Error then Throw(path.ErrorMessage)
// create a report
ret = router.CreateReport({PathObj: path, OpenReport: true})
if ret.Error then
// Display path on current map
path.PathDisplayWidth = 60
shared cc_Colors
path.PathDisplayColor = cc_Colors.Red
macro "CalculateTimeDistance"
on error do
finder = CreateObject("Data.Finder")
args.silent = true
args.address = "407 Marlborough Street" = "Boston MA"
p1 = finder.Find("ADDRESS", args)
args.silent = true
args.address = "1172 Beacon Street" = "Newton MA"
p2 = finder.Find("ADDRESS", args)
myRouter = CreateObject("Routing.Router")
myRouter.Minimize = "Time"
myRouter.MajorHighwaySpeedLevel = 1
myRouter.SecondaryHighwaySpeedLevel = 1
myRouter.LocalHighwaySpeedLevel = 1
myRouter.ArterialSpeedLevel = 1
myRouter.LocalRoadSpeedLevel = 1
path = myRouter.CalculatePath(p1.Coord, p2.Coord)
if path = null then ShowMessage("Error: " + myRouter.ErrorMessage)
time = path.Time
dist = path.Distance
// ShowArray({time, dist})
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Option Compare Database
Option Explicit
Function CreatePath() As Integer
Dim p As Variant
Dim u, dk As Variant
Dim units As String
Dim opt As Variant
On Error GoTo Error_handler:
Set dk = CreateObject("Maptitude.AutomationServer")
p = dk.RunMacro("GetProgram")
dk.RunMacro "SetMapUnits", "Miles"
units = dk.RunMacro("GetMapUnits", Null)
Dim dP1, dP2, dP3, dP4, dP5
Set dP1 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dP2 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dP3 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dP4 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
Set dP5 = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
With dP1
.Add "Coordinate", dk.RunMacro("Coord", -71259994, 42298892)
.Add "StopDuration", 30
.Add "StopName", "Babson College"
End With
With dP2
.Add "Coordinate", dk.RunMacro("Coord", -71250024, 42341178)
.Add "StopDuration", 30
.Add "StopName", "Lasell College"
End With
With dP3
.Add "Coordinate", dk.RunMacro("Coord", -71187232, 42298633)
.Add "StopDuration", 30
.Add "StopName", "Mount Ida College"
End With
With dP4
.Add "Coordinate", dk.RunMacro("Coord", -71197377, 42340143)
.Add "StopDuration", 30
.Add "StopName", "Boston College"
End With
With dP5
.Add "Coordinate", dk.RunMacro("Coord", -71310381, 42298016)
.Add "StopDuration", 30
.Add "StopName", "Wellesley College"
End With
Dim P1, P2, P3, P4, P5
P1 = CreateOptFromDictionary(dP1)
P2 = CreateOptFromDictionary(dP2)
P3 = CreateOptFromDictionary(dP3)
P4 = CreateOptFromDictionary(dP4)
P5 = CreateOptFromDictionary(dP5)
Dim RoutingPoints
RoutingPoints = Array(P1, P2, P3, P4, P5)
RoutingPoints = Array(P1, P2)
Dim router
Set router = dk.CreateObject("Routing.Router", "")
router.Set "Minimize", "Time"
router.Set "IncludeRestStops", True
router.Set "TimeBetweenRests", 5
router.Set "RestStopDuration", 20
router.Set "FuelPrice", 3.29
Dim spOpts
' spOpts = AddOption("Fix", "First")
' spOpts.Loop = True
Dim pth, PathRep, repOpts, ret
Set pth = router.Method("Calculate", RoutingPoints, spOpts)
Set PathRep = CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
PathRep.Add "PathObj", pth
PathRep.Add "FileName", "c:\\temp\\zzzPath.xlsx"
PathRep.Add "OpenReport", True
repOpts = CreateOptFromDictionary(PathRep)
ret = router.Method("CreateReport", repOpts)
CreatePath = 1
Exit Function
MsgBox "Path calculation returned an error"
End Function
Function CreateOptFromDictionary(dict) As Variant
Dim nItems, i As Integer
Dim Key, items
Dim options
nItems = dict.Count
i = 0
ReDim options(nItems - 1, 1)
For Each Key In dict.Keys()
options(i, 0) = Key
If TypeOf dict(Key) Is Object Then
Set options(i, 1) = dict(Key)
options(i, 1) = dict(Key)
End If
i = i + 1
CreateOptFromDictionary = options
End Function
# PYTHON 3 Routing Example
import sys
import os
import traceback
import caliperpy
import ctypes
from ctypes.wintypes import HWND, LPWSTR, UINT
_user32 = ctypes.WinDLL('user32', use_last_error=True)
_MessageBoxW = _user32.MessageBoxW
_MessageBoxW.restype = UINT
_MessageBoxW.argtypes = (HWND, LPWSTR, LPWSTR, UINT)
MB_OK = 0
# NOTE: *****************************
# Open a map of the USA
dk = caliperpy.Gisdk("Maptitude")
p = dk.GetProgram()
units = dk.GetMapUnits(None)
p1 = {"Coordinate": dk.Coord(-71259994, 42298892), "StopDuration": 30,
"StopName": "Babson College"}
p2 = {"Coordinate": dk.Coord(-71250024, 42341178), "StopDuration": 30,
"StopName": "Lasell College"}
p3 = {"Coordinate": dk.Coord(-71187232, 42298633), "StopDuration": 30,
"StopName": "Mount Ida College"}
p4 = {"Coordinate": dk.Coord(-71197377, 42340143), "StopDuration": 30,
"StopName": "Boston College"}
p5 = {"Coordinate": dk.Coord(-71310381, 42298016), "StopDuration": 30,
"StopName": "Wellesley College"}
RoutingPoints = [p1, p2, p3, p4, p5]
router = dk.CreateGisdkObject("gis_ui", "Routing.Router")
router.Minimize = "Time"
router.IncludeRestStops = True
router.TimeBetweenRests = 5
router.RestStopDuration = 20
router.FuelPrice = 3.29
path = router.Calculate(RoutingPoints, None)
if path is not None:
time = path.Time
dist = path.Distance
ret = router.CreateReport({"PathObj":path, "OpenReport":1,
"FileName": dk.GetRandFileName("*.xlsx")})
retOpts = dict(ret)
if ( not retOpts is None ) and ( 'ErrorMessage' in retOpts ):
_MessageBoxW(0, retOpts["ErrorMessage"], "Error", MB_OK)
_MessageBoxW(0, "Path length: " + str(dist) + " : " + "Path Time: " + str(time),
"Information", MB_OK)
raise Exception("Please open a map window first")
except Exception as Error:
_MessageBoxW(0, repr(error), "Information", MB_OK)
See Also:
©2025 Caliper Corporation | |