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A class to make working with views and tabular data easier.
New in Maptitude 2022
table = CreateObject(“Table”, array options)
Option |
Type |
Contents |
View |
String |
Name of an existing view to create the table on |
FileName |
String |
File path to be opened into a table. Can be either a table file (BIN or CSV) or a geographic file (DBD or CDF) |
Fields |
Array |
An array of field definitions used to create a new table from scratch. See Table.AddFields() for details on this option |
Layer |
String or Numeric |
Optional. Layer name or its position in the geographic file when FileName extension is CDF or DBD. For example, node layers are always first in line layers. Defaults to 1 (for the first layer in the file). |
Only one of View, FileName or Fields options should be provided.
AddField(array options)
Adds a single field to the table.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
FieldName |
String |
Name of field to be added. If the only argument passed to AddField() is a string, it is assumed to be the FieldName |
Type |
String |
Optional. Field type. Default: real. Allowed Values: 'short', 'integer', 'real', 'string', etc. See ModifyTable() help page for all possible values |
Width |
Integer |
Optional display width of the field. Default: 12 |
Decimals |
Integer |
Optional. Number of decimal places to display. Default: 2 for real fields. 0 otherwise |
Description |
String |
Optional description for the field |
If the field already exists it will not be modified
AddFields(array options)
Adds multiple fields at once, which is faster than adding many fields one at a time.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
Fields |
Array |
Array where each element is an array containing the options describe din the Add|Field() method above. See the example under Adding/Dropping multiple fields below |
Fields that already exist are not modified
AddRows(array options)
Add empty rows to a table.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
EmptyRows |
Integer |
The number of empty rows to be added |
Aggregate(array options)
Groups and summarizes tables by fields.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
GroupBy |
String or array of strings |
Fields to group by |
FieldStats |
Array |
Each element is a field name paired with stats. Example: {Length: "sum", "FFSpeed": {"average", "max"}}. Stats supported: count, sum, average, distinct, variance, min, max. Resulting fields have a naming convention like “sum_Length” and “average_FFSpeed” |
ChangeField(array options)
Used to change various attributes of a field. See RenameField() if just changing field name.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
FieldName |
String |
Name of the existing field to be changed |
NewName |
String |
Optional. The new name of the field |
Type |
String |
Optional. Field type. Default: real. Allowed Values: 'short', 'integer', 'real', 'string', etc. See ModifyTable() help page for all possible values |
Width |
Integer |
Optional display width of the field. |
Decimals |
Integer |
Optional. Number of decimal places to display. Default: 2 for real fields. 0 otherwise |
Description |
String |
Optional description for the field |
ChangeSet(array options)
Changes which set is active. Active sets are used when getting/setting data vectors and must be created using CreateSet(). Call ChangeSet() with no arguments to clear the active set (i.e. use all records).
Option |
Type |
Contents |
SetName |
String |
Name of the set to switch to or null to clear the active set. If the only argument passed is a string, it is assumed to be the SetName |
CreateSet(array options)
Creates a selection set on the table. If the set already exists, it is updated. Does not make that set active (See ChangeSet() ).
Option |
Type |
Contents |
SetName |
String |
Name of the new set to create |
Filter |
String |
Conditional statement / query used to select records. Example: "Area > 1" |
Operation |
String |
Optional. How the new set should be created (see SelectByQuery() for details). Valid values: “several”, “less”, “more”, “subset”. Default: “several” |
Options |
Array |
Other options passed to SelectByQuery() |
DropSet(array options)
Removes a set from the table.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
SetName |
String |
The set to be dropped |
DropFields(array options)
Permanently removes a field (or fields) from a table.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
FieldNames |
String or Array |
Name(s) of field(s) to be removed |
NotFoundError |
Boolean |
Should an error be thrown if the field does not exist when attempting to remove? Default: false |
Export(array options)
Exports a table to a file (either FFB or CSV). Returns a table object.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
FileName |
String |
Optional. Full file path where the table will be exported. Do not provide if providing ViewName |
ViewName |
String |
Optional. The name of the view for the memory table that will be created. If neither FileName nor ViewName is provided, a mem table will be created with a unique name |
FieldNames |
Array |
Optional. Names of fields to include in the new table. Default is all fields |
GetActiveSet(array options)
Returns the currently active set on the table.
GetDataVectors(array options)
Retrieve multiple fields at once.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
FieldNames |
Array |
Optional. Name of fields to get data for. If null, data for all fields is returned |
Options |
Array |
Optional. Other options passed to GetDataVectors(). Note: the “Sort Order” option is set to the table’s sort order by default (see Table.Sort() ). Also, the “options” option is set to true by default |
Returns the field names of the table.
Returns the field specs of the table.
GetRecordCount(array options)
Returns the number of records in a table.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
SetName |
String |
Optional. If provided, only the number of records in the set are returned |
Returns the names of selection sets on the table.
Returns the current sort order of the table.
Returns the name of the view referenced by the table object.
Join(array options)
Joins two tables together and returns a new table object.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
Table |
Table object |
The table to be joined to the current table |
LeftFields |
String or Array |
Fields in existing (left) table used for joining |
RightFields |
String or Array |
Fields in second (right) table used for joining. |
Options |
Array |
Optional. Additional options passed to JoinViewsMulti() |
RenameField(array options)
Changes the name of a field.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
FieldName |
String |
Name of the existing field to be changed |
NewName |
String or Array |
The new name of the field |
SetDataVectors(array options)
Used to write values to multiple fields at once. Faster than writing vectors one at a time.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
FieldData |
Array |
An array of two-element arrays. The first element is the name of the field and the second is a data vector. Example: {{“Speed”, v_speed}, {“Time”, v_time}} |
Options |
Array |
Optional. Other options passed to GetDataVectors(). Note: the “Sort Order” option is set to the table’s sort order by default (see Table.Sort() ) |
SetDataVectors(array options)
Used to write values to multiple fields at once. Faster than writing vectors one at a time.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
FieldData |
Array |
An array of two-element arrays. The first element is the name of the field and the second is a data vector. Example: {{“Speed”, v_speed}, {“Time”, v_time}} |
Options |
Array |
Optional. Other options passed to GetDataVectors(). Note: the “Sort Order” option is set to the table’s sort order by default (see Table.Sort() ) |
Sort(array options)
Sorts a table by given fields.
Option |
Type |
Contents |
FieldArray |
Array |
An array of field-direction pairs. If null, any existing sort order is removed. Example: {{"State", "Ascending"}, {"Population", "Descending"}} |
Displays a table in an editor window.
folder = RunMacro("G30 Tutorial Folder")
file = folder + "AIRPORTS.BIN"
// Test export and create a copy for join tests
table = CreateObject("Table", {FileName: file})
// can also call like this:
// table = CreateObject("Table", file)
file_copy = Substitute(file, ".BIN", "_copy.bin",)
table.Export({FileName: file_copy})
// Basics of getting/setting data
v = table.City
v = table.[Site#]
fields = table.GetFieldNames()
table.DropFields({FieldNames: "test"})
fields = table.GetFieldNames()
table.CreateSet({SetName: "Hawaii", Filter: "State = 'HI'"})
sets = table.GetSets()
table.ChangeSet({SetName: "Hawaii"})
table.[A Real] = 5.1
table.AnInt = 5
table.AString = "test"
table.RenameField({FieldName: "AString", NewName: "String"})
table.ChangeField({FieldName: "A Real", Decimals: 3})
table.DropFields({FieldNames: {"String", "A Real", "AnInt"}})
// Getting/setting multiple fields
data = table.GetDataVectors({FieldNames: {"City", "County"}})
v = data.City
table.SetDataVectors({FieldData: data})
// Sorting
table.Sort({FieldArray: {County: "Ascending", Name: "Ascending"}})
view = table.GetView()
n = GetRecordCount(view, )
v = Vector(n, "Long", {{"Sequence", 1, 1}})
table.test = v
table.Sort({FieldArray: {County: "Descending", Name: "Descending"}})
v = table.test
data = table.GetDataVectors({FieldNames: {"test"}})
table.DropFields({FieldNames: "test"})
data = table.GetDataVectors({FieldNames: {"City", "County"}})
table.SetDataVectors({FieldData: data})
table.DropFields({FieldNames: {"test", "test2"}})
// Adding/dropping multiple fields
fields = {
{FieldName: "CongSpeed", Type: "Real", Width: 10, Decimals: 3, Description: "Congested Speed"},
{FieldName: "CongTime", Type: "Real", Width: 10, Decimals: 3, Description: "Congested Travel Time"}
table.AddFields({Fields: fields})
table.DropFields({FieldNames: {"CongSpeed", "CongTime"}})
// Fields with odd names
table.Length = 1
table.DropFields({FieldNames: "Length"})
table.[A Space] = 1
table.DropFields({FieldNames: "A Space"})
table.[An *] = 1
table.DropFields({FieldNames: "An *"})
// Joining views and getting data
right_table = CreateObject("Table", {FileName: file_copy})
jt = table.Join({
Table: right_table,
LeftFields: {"Name", "City"},
RightFields: {"Name", "City"}
test = jt.[Table_1.Site#]
jt = null
// Aggregation
agg_tbl = table.Aggregate({
GroupBy: {"Name", "City"},
FieldStats: {FLIGHTS: "sum", Domestic: {"sum", "average"}}
v = agg_tbl.average_Domestic
agg_tbl = table.Aggregate({
GroupBy: "State",
FieldStats: {FLIGHTS: "sum", Domestic: {"sum", "average"}}
v = agg_tbl.sum_FLIGHTS
// Creating a new table from scratch
fields = {
{FieldName: "CongSpeed", Type: "Real", Width: 10, Decimals: 3, Description: "Congested Speed"},
{FieldName: "CongTime", Type: "Real", Width: 10, Decimals: 3, Description: "Congested Travel Time"}
new = CreateObject("Table", {Fields: fields})
new.AddRows({EmptyRows: 5})
// Using methods inherited from the CalculateTable class
table.ApplyFilter("State = 'NY'")
sum = table.Statistics(FieldName: {"Foreign"} )
See Also:
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