Maptitude GISDK Help |
Geocodes a view. See also Data.Finder class. Extends the Data.Finder Class
Every method of the Data.Finder class is available to an instance of the Data.Geocoder class, in particular SetRegion(), which should also be called first. The Data.Geocoder class adds two methods.
Forces the geocoder to run silently, avoiding to display internal error messages.
LocateView(string type_and_method,string view_set,string id_field_spec,array input_field_specs,array options)
Geocodes your input view, adds or replaces the output geographic file, and opens a map with the geocoding results.
Argument |
Type |
Description |
type_and_method |
String |
One of the types and methods specified in the locating_views section for the current region. For example: "ADDRESS", "POSTAL_CODE|1", "POSTAL_CODE|2 "CITY|1", "CITY|2" "STATE" or "COUNTY". If the method is omitted, the first method available for that type will be used. Types and methods are specified in the "locating_views" section in the file [country name].region.js for the current region. |
view_set |
String |
An input "view|set" specification for the input table and selection set to be geocoded. |
id_field_spec |
String |
The input table ID field specification in the format returned by GetFieldFullSpec() |
input_field_specs |
Array |
An array of input table field specifications in the format returned by GetFieldFullSpec(). If the type is "ADDRESS" then { address-field-1, address-field-2, postal-code-field , city-field , state-field }. Otherwise, an array of one or two fields, e.g., { postal-code-field } or { city-field, state-field }. |
options |
Array |
An options array, required if the input table is not a geographic layer. See options below. |
Option |
Type |
Description |
new_layer_name |
String |
Desired output layer name |
out_db |
String |
Desired output geographic file |
ignore_errors |
Boolean |
Proceed without reporting errors to the user interface; default is False (null) |
The method returns an options array with information that can be used to either report the result to the user or to continue geocoding the records not found with another method. The options LayerName and NotFoundSet can be used to create the input view_set for another round of LocateView() using another method. See example 3 on how to obtain the geocoding precission for each record.
Option |
Type |
Description |
Error |
Boolean |
True (integer value 1) if an error occurred, otherwise False (null or missing) |
Message |
String |
An error message, or the string "OK" |
InputView |
String |
The input view name |
InputSet |
String |
The input selection set name |
NumRecords |
String |
The number of examined records |
NumLocated |
String |
The number of records found |
LayerName |
String |
The output layer name (if some records are found) |
NotFoundSet |
String |
The output selection set storing records not found |
GeocodingLayer |
String |
The name of the geographic layer used for geocoding your input table |
You can program iterative geocoding first by address, then by postal code, and finally by City, ending up with various "Not Found" selection sets in the output layer. If you know the "old" geocoding macros, it was quite complicated. Here is what you can do now:
// 1. Open the binary table Bakeries_Int_ID.bin
// 2. In the immediatate execution toolbox, type:
// SetLibrary("full_path\\to\\locate_bakeries_ui")
// result = RunMacro("Locate Bakeries",GetView())
// 3. The result layer should have all records geocoded,
// with two selection sets: "Address Not Found" (150 records, located by ZIP Code or City)
// and "ZIP Code Not Found" (11 records, located by City)
// Records in the "ZIP Code Not Found" set are located by City.
// Records in the "Address Not Found" set
// and *not* in the "ZIP Code Not Found" set are located by ZIP Code.
// All other records have been located by street address.
Macro "Locate Bakeries" (view)
//view = GetView() // "Bakeries_Int_ID.bin"
geo = CreateObject("Data.Geocoder").SetRegion()
region_name = geo.GetRegionName()
ShowMessage("Locating view " + view + " in region " + region_name)
id_field = GetFieldFullSpec(view,"ID") // You need an input table with an integer ID field to get started
address_field = GetFieldFullSpec(view, "Address") // These fields are in the Bakeries_Int_ID table
postal_field = GetFieldFullSpec(view, "ZIP")
city_field = GetFieldFullSpec(view, "City")
state_field = GetFieldFullSpec(view, "State")
opts = {}
opts.new_layer_name = view + "_Layer"
opts.out_db = "c:\\temp\\" + view + "_Layer.dbd"
result = geo.LocateView("ADDRESS",view + "|", id_field, {address_field, null, postal_field}, opts)
layer_name = result.LayerName
not_found_set = result.NotFoundSet
id_field = GetFieldFullSpec(layer_name,"ID") // ID, ZIP, and City are now fields in the output layer_name
postal_field = GetFieldFullSpec(layer_name,"ZIP")
city_field = GetFieldFullSpec(layer_name,"City")
state_field = GetFieldFullSpec(layer_name,"State")
geo_opts = null
if not_found_set <> null and layer_name <> null then do
// input_fields is the list of fields in the input view to use for geocoding
// in general:
// input_fields = { address_field , address_field_2 , postal_field ,
// city_field_or_value , state_field_or_value }
// in this case:
input_fields = {address_field, null, postal_field}
result = geo.LocateView("ADDRESS",view + "|", id_field, input_fields, opts)
not_found_set = result.NotFoundSet
if not_found_set <> null and layer_name <> null then
result = geo.LocateView("CITY", layer_name + "|" + not_found_set, id_field, {city_field, state_field}, geo_opts)
The USA country data catalog has three methods for locating by ZIP Codes. In Maptitude they are listed as checkboxes in the dialog box under Tools>Locate>Locate by Postal Code:
Centered at the ZIP Code Point
Scattered Evenly inside the ZIP Code Area
Scattered within 1 Mile of the ZIP Code
You can program this step-by-step geocoding process by specifying which method to use in the "LocateView" macro, by passing a first argument that specifies which step to use:
result = geocoder.LocateView("method_name|method_number",...)
In this case, the method_name is “POSTAL_CODE” and the method_number is "1", "2" or "3". If you do not specify the method number, then Maptitude executes the first method in the list (Centered at the ZIP Code Point). Here is the GISDK code, in a nutshell:
geocoder = CreateObject("Data.Geocoder")
result = geocoder.LocateView("POSTAL_CODE|1","customers|",
if TypeOf(result.NotFoundSet) = "string" then
result = geocoder.LocateView("POSTAL_CODE|2","customers|" + result.NotFoundSet ,"customers.ID",{"customers.ZIP_CODE"})
if TypeOf(result.NotFoundSet) = "string" then
result = geocoder.LocateView("POSTAL_CODE|3","customers|" + result.NotFoundSet ,"customers.ID",{"customers.ZIP_CODE"})
This example shows how to output the geocoding precision.
view = GetView()
// First, inport the input table into a binary table, and modify the binary table
// by adding a string column named "Geocoding Precision"
// Insert code here to modify your table and add a "Geocoding Precision" field
// Second, geocode the table using the "ADDRESS_WIZARD" method for the current region
{ fieldNames , fieldSpecs } = GetFields(view,"All")
geo = CreateObject("Data.Geocoder").SetRegion()
region_name = geo.GetRegionName()
id_field = GetFieldFullSpec(view,"Customer ID") // You need an input table with an integer ID field to get started
address_field = GetFieldFullSpec(view, "Street Address") // These fields are in the Maptitude tutorial table
postal_field = GetFieldFullSpec(view, "ZIP Code")
city_field = GetFieldFullSpec(view, "City")
state_field = GetFieldFullSpec(view, "State")
// Geocoding options: output geographic file in Maptitude dbd format
opts = {}
opts.best_match = 1 // Important, otherwise [Geocoding Precision] will not be filled
opts.try_methods = { 1 , 1, 1, 1, 1, 1} // Which ADDRESS_WIZARD methods to try, from most accurate to least accurate
opts.new_layer_name = view + " Layer"
opts.out_db = "c:\\temp\\" + view + " Layer.dbd"
// input_field_specs must be an array of 5 elements in this order for the best
// match geocoder: { address , address2 , city , state , postal_code }
input_field_specs = { address_field , null , city_field , state_field , postal_field }
result = geo.LocateView("ADDRESS_WIZARD",view + "|", id_field, input_field_specs , opts)
See Also:
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