TransCAD Transportation Planning Software

Traffic Assignment Software

TransCAD Transportation Planning Software incorporates several breakthroughs in traffic assignment methodology that facilitate more accurate analyses of road traffic and the impacts of transportation improvements. All of the user equilibrium methods can achieve very high levels of convergence and do so with unprecedented fast computing times. Also, most of the methods take advantage of multi-threading to run much faster on multi-core and multi-CPU computers.

Among the advanced assignment methods in TransCAD is a very flexible, master multimodal, multiclass equilibrium or stochastic equilibrium assignment model that accommodates realistic multiclass entrance-to-exit tolls in addition to traditional link tolls. This is a generalized cost assignment that uses class specific values of time and network use restrictions. A wide array of volume-delay functions has been preprogrammed and there is provision for user written functions as well.

 TransCAD traffic assignment software also inlcudes assignment utilities:

  • Screenline analysis for comparing assignment results with road traffic counts
  • Subarea focusing for performing more detailed investigations of traffic within a downtown area
  • Assignment differences utility for comparing two flow tables and graphically depicting locations and magnitudes of differences
  • Select link/zone analysis
Traffic Assignment Software - TransCAD

TransCAD traffic assignment software results showing peak network flow and volume to capacity ratios

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