Advanced Traffic Simulation Using TransModeler 6

Caliper Corporation is excited to offer the second installment of a two-part webinar on traffic simulation with TransModeler. Whereas Part 1 covered the basics of traffic simulation with TransModeler, the second webinar will demonstrate an assortment of tools that make TransModeler 6.0 a valuable decision-making tool for wider areas and more complex analyses involving route choice. We will highlight tools in TransModeler 6.0 for estimation of origin-destination matrices and dynamic traffic assignments. We will also briefly describe more advanced features allowing for cost effective analysis of incidents and work zones and intelligent transportation system (ITS) mitigation strategies. The webinar will be useful for current users seeking to learn more about TransModeler features and for those seeing TransModeler for the first time.

In Part 2, we will demonstrate some of the ways in which standard, out-of-the-box features in TransModeler can be leveraged to develop simulation models of areas larger than just a single intersection or corridor. These include:

  • Origin-Destination Matrix Estimation (ODME)
  • Dynamic Traffic Assignment (DTA)
  • Advanced Applications: How ODME and DTA in TransModeler can be used to analyze incidents, work zones, intelligent transportation systems (ITS), and dynamic pricing

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

1:00 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. EST


Later this Spring we will offer additional topical webinars with specific focus on public transportation modeling, microsimulation of tolled facilities, mesoscopic DTA, and more.

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