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TransModeler Traffic Simulation Software

Used in combination with TransCAD, TransModeler provides an unprecedented capability for integrated demand and traffic modeling. Demand forecasts can be subjected to more detailed operational analysis in TransModeler. Traffic assignment results can be modeled dynamically in the time domain to identify bottlenecks, queues, and the actual capacity of the road network. Used together, you can more fully understand the trip distribution, mode choice, and route choice impacts of major construction projects.

TransModeler is designed to dovetail with TransCAD and includes additional features that streamline the use of simulation for travel demand forecasting. This makes it straightforward to:

  • Generate trip tables that are consistent with counts using a powerful trip table estimator
  • Use origin-destination trip matrices to model vehicle demand with time-variant departure rates and multiple vehicle classes
  • Simulate vehicles from multiple matrices for different times of day and/or different vehicle characteristics
  • Control the vehicle inter-departure profile with a constant rate, a time-based curve, or a series of matrices with varying start times
  • Match observed traffic conditions with a variety of parameters that control the randomness and scale of each matrix
  • Load trips in a matrix from node to node, link to link, centroid to centroid or between any combination of nodes, links and centroids
  • Specify the properties of each matrix, such as vehicle class, HOV eligibility, and driver groups representing route choice characteristics
  • Explicitly prescribe the set of paths available to trips by matrix
Trip Matrix Settings in TransModeler

You can generate many simulation inputs directly from TransCAD or another planning model.

  • Convert your geographic line layer to a traffic network database format ready for additional editing for simulation
  • Use trip matrices generated by your trip distribution model as input demand for your network
  • Use trip matrices generated by a single class or multi-modal, multi-class subarea analysis as input demand
  • Run a Stochastic User Equilibrium or a Dynamic User Equilibrium traffic assignment to generate congested link travel times, flows, and turning movements as input to the TransModeler route choice models

You can create and manage alternative paths available to drivers in large and complex networks.

  • Use sophisticated route choice and pathfinding methods in TransModeler to automatically generate feasible paths for all vehicles
  • Modify the path table created by TransModeler or use map-based graphical tools to draw your own paths and create your own path table
  • During a simulation, simultaneously map a vehicle’s current path, and if a change of path was made en route, the originally intended path
  • Browse trips and paths in a map by origin, destination, or other driver, vehicle, or trip characteristic
  • Browse the origin-destination pairs that are contributing to the traffic volumes on critical links in your network
TransModeler vehicle pathfinding