TransModeler SE System Recommendations

TransModeler SE is a high performance technical software product that is often used to perform demanding computational tasks. Consequently, we recommend using the fastest, modestly priced systems that are available at any particular point in time.

Recommended hardware is described below. Please feel free to check with us before purchasing a new system as new options become available nearly every week.

Operating Systems
Processor (CPU)

TransCAD/TransModeler benefit from the fastest processors, and we recommend the latest multicore machines for running large models. TransCAD and TransModeler have key multi-threaded procedures that automatically sense and take advantage of multiple cores and multiple CPUs. In particular, the default (n-conjugate) user equilibrium (UE) traffic assignment in TransCAD will scale almost linearly with the number of cores. Microsimulation and mesoscopic simulation will also run faster by utilizing all the cores. The matrix engine in TransCAD is also multi-threaded and benefits greatly from multi-core hardware although there may be decreasing returns from using more than 8 cores. There are also computations whose performance scales with the clock speed of the CPU, so higher clock speeds are always desirable. The boost speed is an important aspect of the latest processors, and boost speeds for a single core or multiple cores above 5GHz are very attractive.

Many chips support hyperthreading in which certain cores each run two threads. We have found hyperthreading to be underwhelming for TransCAD procedures but marginally useful for TransModeler DTA runs. It can also slow things down as can also occur if too many threads are used for computations that don’t warrant it. Consequently, we recommend turning off hyperthreading unless you can establish that it is beneficial through your own testing on specific problems.

Not every process is computationally demanding enough to benefit from using all the available cores for multi-threading. For example, some gravity models run in only a few seconds. For procedures that take only a few seconds to run, multi-threading can actually increase the run times since there is always some overhead that is associated with it. Also, for heavier calculations, due to Amdahl’s law, there will be diminishing returns to using an increasing number of threads above a certain point. One reason is that some operations like reading and writing data to disk may take a constant amount of time, and so overall computing time will level off after the numerical calculations are efficiently threaded. If there are spare cores not needed for some procedures, they can be used for parallel processing with TransCAD computing engines. For example, one could run AM and PM peak traffic assignments simultaneously. Parallel processing makes it highly attractive to have many cores as long as there is no great reduction in clock speed (dropping below 3GHz). 

In the past we recommended diverse machines, but we have been so pleased with the 13th and 14th generation Intel Core i9 desktop machines, that they are now our default best choice for most applications.

These machines have two types of CPU cores inside. The P or performance cores that are more powerful and can be hyperthreaded and the E or efficiency cores that cannot but use less power for simpler tasks. The recent i9s come with 8P cores and 16E cores and thus can run 32 threads simultaneously.

Part of our enthusiasm for these machines is that when configured with fast memory and fast SSD drives, they outperform most prior machines on our transportation model computing tasks. Fully configured, these machines cost between $2200 and $3200 each, making them extremely cost effective.

For this class of machine, it is necessary to run Windows 11. Windows 11 has been evolved to manage the use of the P and E cores efficiently and thus is critical to receiving the best performance.

During the past several years, AMD has released competitive high-end workstation processors that are worth considering, particularly the latest based on the Zen 4 architecture. The Ryzen™ Threadripper™ are available with up to 96 cores on a single chip. We have not tested one of these machines yet, and we will continue to evaluate competitive new alternatives as they are introduced.

For routine TransCAD use, we are now purchasing Dell Precision 3680 workstations with a 3.2GHz i9-14900K 24-core (8 performance cores and 16 efficiency cores) processor, 64GB of DDR5 memory, a 1 or 2TB NVMe SSD, nVidia RTX 4060 graphics card with 8GB and 64-bit Windows 11 Professional. With the boost architecture, this chip can sustain 5GHZ speeds on many cores and certainly is potent on single-threaded computations.

For notebooks, we recommend the fastest Intel (13th and 14th generation) Core i7/i9 and Core Ultra 7/9 processors, since they have significantly longer battery life and can be nearly as fast as a desktop. Like the desktops, they have both performance and efficiency cores.

Solid-State Disks
Graphics Adapter
Network Adapter
Notebook Computers
Virtual Computing Environments
Universal Power Supply

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