Maptitude GISDK Help |
-A- |
Computes the absolute value of a number. |
Computes the arc cosine of a value. |
Computes the hyperbolic arc cosine of a value. |
Adds an annotation to a map or layout window. |
Adds an area feature to an area layer. |
Adds a layer from a compact format geographic file to a map. |
Adds an existing layer in the workspace to a map |
Adds an ID field to an existing table. |
Adds an image layer to a map. |
Adds a layer from a geographic file to a map. |
Adds a layer to an application without it appearing in a map or dataview. |
Adds an item to a manual map legend. |
Adds a line feature to a line layer. |
Adds a menu item to a menu in the currently active menu system. |
Adds a layer from a MapInfo TAB file to a map. |
Adds a MapInfo TAB file layer to an application without it appearing in a map or dataview. |
Adds an endpoint to a standard geographic line file. |
Adds an ODBC layer to a map. |
Adds an ODBC layer to an application witsbahout it appearing in a map or dataview. |
Add layer to map after exporting it to PGSQL spatial database. |
Add layer to current workspace after exporting it to PGSQL spatial database. |
Adds a point feature to a point layer. |
Adds a record to a table and sets the current record. |
Adds one or more records to a table and sets the current record. |
Adds a layer from a Oracle Spatial table to a map |
Adds a layer from a Oracle Spatial table to an application without it appearing in a map or dataview. |
Adds a layer from a Esri (ArcView) Shapefile to a map. |
Adds an Esri (ArcView) Shapefile layer to an application without it appearing in a map or dataview. |
Groups records in a view and computes summary statistics. |
Appends text to the log file. |
Appends text to the log file up to the limit to the number of messages. |
Appends text to the report file. |
Computes attribute values for a view using information from an overlay table. |
Arranges all iconized windows. |
Converts an array element to an integer. |
Converts an array element to a real number. |
Converts an array element to a string. |
Excludes elements from an array. |
Creates an array that contains the elements of the array a that are also in array b. |
Computes the number of elements in an array. |
Determines the largest value in an array of numbers. |
Determines the smallest value in an array of numbers. |
Finds the position of a sub-array in an array. |
Converts an options array to a proper JSON literal object. |
Copies an array to a vector. |
Returns the ASCII code of a character. |
Computes the arc sine of a number |
Computes the hyperbolic arc sine of a value. |
Assert() |
Causes a macro error with the specified string if the test expression is false (0). |
Computes the arc tangent of a number. |
Computes the angle between the x-axis and the coordinates x_num, y_num. |
Computes the hyperbolic arc tangent of a number. |
Attaches a translation table (codes) to an existing table. |
Computes the average value of the elements of an array. |
Computes the azimuth (heading) for a line between two points. |
-B- |
Computes the bitwise AND of two integers. |
Computes the bitwise NOT of an integer. |
Computes the bitwise OR of two integers. |
Computes the bitwise exclusive OR of an integer. |
Moves an annotation in front of all other annotations. |
Builds a permanent index on a field in a table. |
-C- |
Calls a function in a Dynamic Link Library (DLL). |
Cascades open windows. |
Returns the next larger integer after a value. |
Centers a layout at a specific point. |
Centers a map at a particular location. |
Returns a character of the ASCII table. |
Determine the elapsed time since a stopwatch was started. |
Gets a color using the Windows Color dialog box. |
Gets the path name to an existing directory/folder. |
Gets the name of an existing file using the Windows File Open dialog box. |
Gets the name of a new file using the Windows File Open dialog box. |
Gets the names of one or more existing files using the Windows File Open dialog box. |
Gets the path name to an existing directory/folder. |
Gets a font using the Windows Font dialog box. |
Creates a circle with a specified center and radius. |
Frees memory used by GetDXFInfo(). |
Remove the data used to generate a theme from memory. |
Allows the user to pan around in a layout by dragging it to a new position. |
Awaits user input from the system pointer and returns a circle. |
Awaits user input from the system pointer and returns a coordinate. |
Awaits user input of control points from the system pointer and returns an array of coordinates that define a curve. |
Allows the user to pan a map by dragging it to a new position. |
Awaits user input from the system pointer and returns coordinates that define an ellipse. |
Awaits user input from the system pointer, accepts an ellipse, and returns a scope. |
Allows the user to move, with optional callouts, or rotate labels on the map to customize them. |
Allows user to edit annotations in the current map or layout. |
Awaits user input from the system pointer and returns two coordinates that define a line. |
Awaits user input from the system pointer and returns an array of coordinates that define a line. |
Awaits user input from the system pointer and returns two coordinates that define a rectangle. |
Awaits user input from the system pointer, accepts a rectangle whose center is a valid world point, and returns a scope. |
Awaits user input from the system pointer, accepts a rectangle, and returns a scope. |
Awaits user input from the system pointer and returns an array of coordinates that define a closed polygon. |
Allows the user to enter text on the current map or layout. |
Closes the window containing the COM control. |
Closes a toolbox or toolbar. |
Closes the window containing the .NET control. |
Closes an editor window. |
Closes a figure window. |
Closes a file. |
Closes a layout window. |
Closes a map window. |
Drops a view from the system. |
Creates a color based on its (x, y, Y) coordinates in the CIE chromaticity space. |
Creates a color based on hue, lightness and saturation. |
Creates a color based on hue, saturation and brightness. |
Creates a color based on the amounts of red, green and blue. |
Performs a geographic overlay between two layers and aggregates tabular data. |
Shortens a file's pathname to the listed length for purposes of display. |
Compares two arrays, element by element. |
Compares two strings to see if they match. |
Intersects two or more area or line layers and computes the intersection percentages. |
Creates a table with summary statistics for records in a view. |
Writes a group of files one after another into a new file. |
Concatenates vectors into one, combined long vector. |
Convert a customized image file into a map snapshot. |
Converts all the automatic labels on all layers and sets in a map into manual labels, i.e., text annotations at the same location and size. |
Closes the window containing the .NET control. |
Creates an area geographic file from a set of line or area features. |
Creates a line geographic file from a set of line or area features. |
Computes the convex hull that encloses an area. |
Creates a specified coordinate. |
Determines whether a coordinate is inside an area. |
Checks to see if a coordinate is in a given scope. |
Finds the nearest line feature to a point and returns information about it. |
Makes a copy of the array, including nested sub-arrays, to any depth |
Copies either a standard- or compact-format geographic file. |
Copies a figure to the Windows clipboard. |
Copies a file. |
Copies the settings for a layer from one map to another. |
Copies a layout to the Windows clipboard. |
Copies a map object and map picture to the Windows clipboard. |
Updates an embedded OLE map. |
Duplicates a point feature in a standard geographic file. |
Copies all files associated with a table. |
Copies data to the Windows clipboard. |
Copies a vector to a new vector. |
Computes the cosine of an angle expressed in radians. |
Computes the hyperbolic cosine of a angle expressed in radians. |
Creates buffers around features in a map layer. |
Creates a pie or bar chart theme on the current layer. |
Creates a new COM control window. |
Creates a new instance of a COMObject. |
Creates a continuous (scaled-symbol) theme on the current layer. |
Creates a line or area geographic file of the contours derived from a TIN. |
Creates an area geographic file that encloses all of the points in a TIN. |
Creates a new .NET control window. |
Creates an empty standard geographic file. |
Creates a Data Cursor, a GISDK object that can be used to navigate and read tabular data. |
Creates a DateTime compound variable with just a date. |
Creates a DateTime compound variable. |
Creates a new folder (directory) with a default security descriptor set by the system. |
Creates a dot-density theme on the current layer. |
Creates a new editor window. |
Creates an editor displaying the results of an SQL query. |
Creates an expression field on a view. |
Creates a new window containing a figure. |
Compresses the named geographic file into a .ZIP file. |
Creates a geographic file of features on a regular grid. |
Creates multiple selection sets of records, using the classification technology of CreateTheme(). |
Creates multiple selection sets of records, using an existing theme. |
Creates an area or a line DBD database based on a TIN. |
Create a new layout window. |
Creates a map legend. |
Creates a new instance of a .NET Object. |
Create a new, empty map window. |
Creates a formula field on a line layer using data from the associated node layer. |
Creates a new object variable based on a class. |
Creates a new progress bar that reports the progress of an operation. |
Creates a new, empty set on the current view. |
Creates a shortcut (.lnk) file pointing to a program, file or a folder. |
Stores a snapshot image of the map as currently displayed. |
Adds stop and skip buttons to the status bar for use in interrupting map drawing. |
Start a stopwatch to track clock time. |
Creates a compact format address matchable street file. |
Creates an empty table and opens it as a view. |
Creates a color or pattern theme on the current layer. |
Creates a DateTime compound variable with just a time. |
Sets up a timer that executes a macro at fixed-time intervals. |
Creates a Triangulated Irregular Network (TIN). |
Creates an area geographic file from the facets in a TIN, with slope and aspect values. |
Creates an area geographic file from a TIN to show the area that is visible from a certain height at a viewpoint. |
Creates an area geographic file from a TIN with the areas of influence around each point in the TIN. |
Constructs a cumulative vector in a new vector. |
-D- |
Converts a date to a day of the week. |
Determines if the right fields of a join have duplicates for aggregation. |
Deletes an area feature from an area layer. |
Deletes a standard or compact geographic file. |
Deletes a file. |
Deletes a line feature from a line layer. |
Deletes an endpoint feature from a standard geographic file. |
Deletes a point feature from a point layer. |
Deletes a record from a view. |
Deletes all of the records in a selection set from a view. |
Deletes a set from the current view. |
Removes a snapshot from a map and deletes its image file. |
Deletes all files associated with a table. |
Deselects an annotation |
Deselects all annotations |
Deserializes an options array into a GISDK object. |
Destroys an expression field. |
Destroys a map legend. |
Destroys a progress bar, indicating completion of an operation. |
Stops or cancels a stopwatch. |
Removes the definition of a theme from the current layer |
Cancels a timer that executes a macro at fixed-time intervals. |
Removes a translation table (codes) from an existing table. |
Disables a dialog box item or menu item. |
Disables several menu items at once. |
Disables display of the progress window. |
Allows the user to drag and drop a map object to an OLE container application. |
Redraws a layout window. |
Redraws the annotations in a map window. |
Removes an annotation from a map or layout window. |
Removes annotations from a map or layout window. |
Removes a layer from a map. |
Removes a layer from an application. |
Drops an item from a manual legend. |
Removes selected annotations from a map or layout window. |
Create a copy of an annotation. |
Creates a copy of a map. |
-E- |
Displays an extended version of the "Print" common dialog, with controls for setting up the printing format for an editor. |
Enables a dialog box item or menu item. |
Enables several menu items at once. |
Enables display of the progress window. |
Calculates a spot elevation using a TIN. |
Removes elements from an array. |
Closes the application. |
Returns the value of the constant e raised to a power. |
Expands a .ZIP file containing a geographic file. |
Exports features in a geographic file to an Esri (ArcView) Shapefile. |
Exports features in a geographic file to a Caliper text geography file. |
Exports features in a geographic file to a DXF file. |
Exports the contents of an editor to a new table. |
Reads an Excel workbook (.xls) file and exports one of its sheets to a new table |
Converts a geographic file between standard and compact format, or creates a new geographic file from a selection set. |
Exports map data to PGSQL spatial database. |
Export multiple views to an ExcelX file. |
Creates a new table containing the codes and values from an existing translation table. |
Exports the contents of a view to a new table. |
Returns the specified sub-array, which must itself be an array. |
-F- |
Returns the factorial of an integer value. |
Returns a list of fields that support aggregation rules. |
Returns a list of fields that can have a description string. |
Displays the "Print" common dialog. |
Test to see if end of file has been reached. |
Checks whether files are in use by Maptitude. |
Gets the current Read/Write position of a file. |
Reads a double-precision (8-byte) floating point number from a binary file. |
Reads a single precision (4-byte) floating point number from a binary file. |
Reads a long (4-byte) integer from a binary file. |
Reads a short (2-byte) integer from a binary file. |
Reads a character string from a binary file. |
Sets the current Read/Write position of a file. |
Writes a double-precision (8-byte) floating point number to a binary file. |
Writes a single-precision (4-byte) floating point number to a binary file. |
Writes a long (4-byte) integer to a binary file. |
Writes a short (2-byte) integer to a binary file. |
Writes a character string to a binary file. |
Creates a new fill style. |
Finds annotations near a coordinate |
Finds strings in an array that match one or more search specs. |
Finds a particular option and its setting in an array of name-value pairs. |
Finds the value of a particular option in an options array. |
Fits a Bezier curve to an array of points. |
Returns the next smaller integer before a value. |
Formats a number. |
Formats a DateTime compound variable. |
-G- |
Takes an array of Bezier control points and returns the Bezier curve. |
Creates a grid geographic file containing a regular grid (DEM) generated from a TIN. |
Generates an array of gradually changing colors. |
Converts a relative pathname to an absolute pathname. |
Determines the absolute size of a window. |
Return the definition of an annotation. |
Return the IDs of all annotations in a map or layout window. |
Gets information about an Esri (ArcView) Shapefile |
Get the coordinates that describe an area feature. |
Gets a list of the available area measurement units. |
Gets the current area measurement units. |
Returns the scope of an array of coordinates. |
Gets the style of arrowheads used to draw line features. |
Returns the number of frames in the AVI file. |
Collects summary information on the contents of a BNA file. |
Returns the color used to draw the border of area features. |
Returns the style used to draw the border of area features. |
Returns the width used to draw the border of area features. |
Gets the centroid location of an area feature. |
Returns a list of the names of the methods defined for the class. |
Determines whether the Ctrl key was pressed during a prior "Click" function. |
Determines whether the Shift key was pressed during a prior "Click" function. |
Gets data from the Windows clipboard. |
Returns the (x, y, Y) coordinates of a color in CIE chromaticity space. |
Returns the hue, lightness and saturation of a color. |
Returns the hue, saturation and brightness values of a color. |
Gets a list of the columns displayed in an editor. |
Gets the COM objects in a COM collection. |
Gets the COM interface of a COM control window. |
Gets the name of the COM interface for an object from the type library. |
Gets the currently active instance of a COMObject. |
Creates a vector from a field in a view|set. |
Creates vectors from fields in a view|set. |
Determines the current date and time according to the system clock. |
Creates a list of files associated with the geographic file. |
Gets summary information about a geographic file. |
Gets a list of layers stored in a geographic file. |
Returns the same array as was passed in to SetDBLinkedData(). |
Determines whether a standard geographic file is topological. |
Gets the default printer. |
Collects summary information about a Digital Elevation Model file. |
Returns the ID of a neighbor of a cell in a DEM. |
Gets the contents of the direction field for a line feature. |
Gets a listing of the contents of a directory. |
Gets the disk size and the amount of space available in bytes. |
Gets a list of themes shown on a layer or selection set. |
Returns information on how features in a selection set are displayed on a map. |
Set the display names for units, to be used in drop-down lists and legends. |
Computes the great circle distance between two coordinates. |
Computes distances and statistics from each point in a set of origins to each point in a set of destinations. |
Collects summary information about the contents of a USGS Digital Line Graph file. |
Gets the .NET object in a .NET control window. |
Returns a list of disk drives and their type. |
Collects summary information on the contents of a DXF file. |
Gets the edges for an area. |
Gets a list of the editable fields in a view. |
Gets the name of the file in which an editor window was last saved. |
Gets the highlighted range of cells from an editor window. |
Gets the value of an option from an editor window. |
Determines whether an editor has changed since it was last saved to a file. |
Reads a two-dimensional array of values from an editor window. |
Gets the name of the view and selection set that are displayed in an editor. |
Returns the IDs of the two endpoints of a link. |
Gets the value of a DOS environment variable. |
Returns information about an expression (formula) field. |
Returns an array of all expression fields defined in a view. |
Returns the view, field name, and field spec for a field. |
Gets the field sets for a Standard Caliper Geographic file. |
Returns the area of the feature in current map units. |
Returns the length of the feature in current map units. |
Gets the aggregation rules for a field. |
Returns the number of displayed decimal places for a real-typed field. |
Gets the description of a field. |
Returns the format string used to display a numeric field. |
Returns a full field spec for a field name. |
Returns the data type, display width, decimals, and index flag for a field. |
Gets a string that indicates whether a field is read-only. |
Gets a list of the fields in a view. |
Gets the data type of a field in tables and joined views. |
Gets a list of codes and values for a coded field. |
Gets the data type of a field. |
Reads the values of one or more fields in any number of views. |
Gets the display width of a field. |
Gets the name of the file in which a figure was last saved. |
Determines whether a figure has changed since it was last saved to a file. |
Gets the type of a figure window. |
Gets information about a file. |
Gets a part of a file path or folder name. |
Returns the color used to fill area features. |
Returns the style used to fill area features. |
Returns an array defining the fill style. |
Determines whether or not a fill style is transparent. |
Finds the first record in a view or selection set based on a sort order. |
Gets information about a font. |
Gets a list of the names of installed fonts. |
Collects summary information about the contents of a USGS Land Use and Land Cover file. |
Gets a reading from a GPS device. |
Gets info from a Grid CDF file. |
Gets the class of a table that is hard-linked to a database. |
Gets the status of whether labels that are otherwise hidden are displayed in a lighter shading. |
Gets the font and character or bitmap used to draw point features. |
Gets the color used to draw point features. |
Gets the point size of the symbol used to draw point features. |
Gets the full field spec of the ID field for a layer. |
Gets information about a raster image file. |
Gets the name of the UI Database that a macro is in. |
Gets a point internal to an area. |
Collects summary information on the contents of an Intergraph Standard File Format (ISFF) file. |
Gets the highlighted portion (selection) of an Edit Text dialog box item. |
Gets the label expression for a layer or selection set. |
Get the label option settings for a layer or selection set. |
Gets the status of whether labels can be drawn on top of point icons. |
Gets the label override settings for a map feature. |
Gets the text of the last error generated by Maptitude. |
Gets the last record in a view or selection set based on a sort order. |
Gets the name of the current layer, if any. |
Determines whether a layer is hidden in the current map due to autoscaling. |
Gets the name of the location where a layer is stored. |
Gets the layer "position" within a geographic file. |
Gets summary information about a layer. |
Gets a list of all layers in the system. |
Gets the position (drawing order) of a layer in a map. |
Gets information on layers in the system and the current layer. |
Gets the range of scales at which a layer displays (autoscale). |
Gets the autoscale flag for a layer. |
Gets the scope of a map layer. |
Returns the label used in the legend for the list of sets belonging to a layer. |
Get the type of a map layer. |
Determine whether a layer is visible (displayed) in a map. |
Gets the name of the current layout window. |
Gets the name of the file in which a layout was last saved. |
Get the current option settings for a layout. |
Gets the number of printed pages in a layout. |
Gets the printer for a layout window. |
Gets the layout printer settings. |
Gets the size of a layout printer's imageable area. |
Gets whether items in a layout are resized automatically when the page size or number of pages changes. |
Determines whether a layout has changed since it was last saved to a file. |
Gets the scale of a layout window. |
Gets the definition of an automatic map legend. |
Determines whether a layer, set, or theme is displayed in the legend. |
Gets the values of one or more options for a map legend. |
Gets the settings for a map legend. |
Gets the coordinates that describe the location of a line feature. |
Gets the color used to draw line features. |
Finds the distance from a coordinate to a line. |
Returns the length of the line specified by an array of coordinates. |
Gets the style used to draw line features. |
Returns an array defining the line style. |
Gets the width used to draw line features. |
Gets the name of the link layer associated with a node layer. |
Gets the name of the log file. |
Returns the full, long pathname for a file. |
Gets an object representing the .NET class for calling static methods. |
Get the manual label settings for a layer. |
Gets the name of the current map. |
Gets the color and fill style of the map background. |
Gets coordinates at the four corners of a map. |
Gets the name of the current layer in a map. |
Gets the default scope of a map. |
Gets the name of the file in which a map was last saved. |
Gets the automatic label option settings for a map. |
Gets a list of the layers in a map. |
Gets a list of the names of maps in the system. |
Gets the value of options for a map window. |
Determines the positions of mappable fields in the arrays returned by GetMappableFields(). |
Creates a list of the fields that are mappable to a map layer. |
Returns the projection and coordinate system used in a map. |
Get a list of maps and the name of the current map. |
Determines whether a map has changed since it was last saved to a file. |
Gets the scope of a map. |
Gets the title of a map. |
Gets a list of the available map measurement units. |
Gets the current map measurement units. |
Gets the scope of a map using the current window width and height. |
Gets the contents of a menu in the currently active menu system. |
Gets the text for a menu item. |
Creates an area by merging a set of features. |
Collects summary information on the contents of an MIF file. |
Computes the smallest circle that encloses an area. |
Collects summary information on the contents of a MapInfo TAB file |
Gets the coordinates that describe the location of a multiple part line feature. |
Gets the neighbors of an area feature. |
Gets the next record in a view or selection set based on a sort order. |
Get the name of the node layer associated with a link layer. |
Gets the IDs of links that begin or end at a node. |
Provides information on a dataset of Ordnance Survey NTF volumes. |
Returns information on an Ordnance Survey NTF file (volume). |
Gets the number of polygons in an area feature. |
Gets the name of the class for an object. |
Gets a list of the variable names for an object. |
Gets information about an ODBC data source. |
Gets an array of the names of all defined ODBC data sources. |
Gets a list of all fields in an ODBC table. |
Gets information about an ODBC layer. |
Gets a list of all the tables in an ODBC data source. |
Gets a list of fields in an Oracle table and whether they are indexed. |
Gets a list of Oracle tables available to the user |
Gets a list of the available paper measurement units. |
Gets the current paper measurement unit. |
Gets the perimeter of an area. |
Returns an array with information about the operating system. |
Gets the location of the point feature with the specified ID. |
Returns the coordinate along a line at a given position |
Computes the area of a closed polygon. |
Gets a point internal to a polygon. |
Gets the perimeter of a closed polygon. |
Finds the previous record in a view or selection set based on a sort order. |
Gets the model and driver names for all installed printers. |
Get the current print margin settings. |
Gets information about the program. |
Returns a valid scope for a particular projection. |
Generates a valid and unused file name with a given specification, but does not delete such files on shutdown. |
Gets the value of the Read Only checkbox in the most recent call to ChooseFile(). |
Gets a list of the read-only fields in a view. |
Gets the record handle of the current record of a view. |
Gets the number of records in a view or selection set. |
Gets an array of record handles for a selection set. |
Gets the scope of a given record on the current layer. |
Reads the values of one or more fields for a group of records in a view. |
Reads the values of one or more fields for a record in a view. |
Converts an absolute pathname to a relative pathname. |
Gets the name of the report file. |
Gets the order of rows in an editor. |
Gets a sample object indicating how features in a layer or selection set display on a map. |
Gets the scale of a map. |
Gets coordinates at the four corners of a given scope. |
Gets an array of two coordinates that define the rectangle of a scope. |
Return the screen dimensions in pixels. |
Gets information about an Oracle Spatial table. |
Indicates how maps are updated during selection operations. |
Indicates whether selection operations update maps automatically. |
Gets the IDs of selected annotations in a map or layout window. |
Returns the layer name and ID of the last label clicked on. |
Indicates the inclusion status for a spatial selection. |
Gets the number of records in a set in the current view. |
Gets an array of the Ids of elements in a set. |
Gets the position of a selection set on the current map layer. |
Gets a list of the names of selection sets for a view. |
Gets the range of scales at which a selection set displays (autoscale). |
Gets the scope of the features in a selection set. |
Returns the short pathname for a file. |
Gets the scope and image file of a snapshot. |
Gets a list of all snapshots associated with a map. |
Gets a description of the street location of a coordinate. |
Gets the full path of the Windows directory. |
Gets an array of system information. |
Tests whether a table can be modified by ModifyTable(). |
Gets a list and description of the fields in a table. |
Generates a valid and unused file name with a given specification. |
Gets the name of the directory used by the program to store temporary files. |
Generates a formatted string. |
Gets information about a theme. |
Gets the number of features in each class of a color or pattern theme. |
Gets information about the classes of a color or pattern theme. |
Gets the class labels of a color or pattern theme. |
Gets the class definitions of a color or pattern theme. |
Gets the list of fill colors that are used to draw a theme. |
Gets the list of fill styles that are used to draw a theme. |
Gets the list of icon colors that are used to draw a theme. |
Gets the list of icons that are used to draw a theme. |
Gets the list of line colors that are used to draw a theme. |
Gets the list of line styles that are used to draw a theme. |
Gets the list of line widths that are used to draw a theme. |
Gets a list of options for a theme. |
Gets a list of themes defined on the current layer. |
Gets sample objects indicating how features in a theme display on a map. |
Gets statistical information about a color or pattern theme. |
Gets the number of rows and columns in a TIFF image |
Gets the name of the active tool item |
Computes the ratio between two measurement units. |
Gets the name of the current view. |
Gets the join information for a view. |
Gets the name of the map layer that corresponds to a view. |
Gets a list of all views. |
Gets the parentage of a view. |
Reports whether a view is read-only. |
Gets information on views in the system or views associated with a layer. |
Gets the scope of a view. |
Retrieves a listing and description of the fields in a view. |
Gets information about a table. |
Returns the length of the WAV file in seconds. |
Retrieves an array stored with a window. |
Gets the name of the current window. |
Gets the position of a window. |
Gets a list of all the windows of a specified type. |
Determines the size of a window. |
Gets the type of the current window. |
Finds the midpoint between two coordinates. |
-H- |
Returns the azimuth of the AB or BA direction of a line. |
Opens a help file at a specified topic. |
Hides a dialog box, toolbox, or toolbar. |
Hides an item in a dialog box. |
Hides a map legend. |
Turns label display off for all currently displaying layers. |
Switches off the display of a theme on a layer or selection set. |
-I- |
Converts a map feature ID to a record handle. |
Imports features from an ArcView Shapefile into a geographic file. |
Imports features from a BNA file into a geographic file. |
Imports features from a BTS National Transportation Atlas file. |
Imports features from a Caliper text geography file into a geographic file. |
Imports features from Digital Elevation Model files. |
Imports features from USGS Digital Line Graph files. |
Imports features from a DXF file into a geographic file. |
Imports features from an ARC/INFO export (.E00) file into a geographic file. |
Creates a geographic file of point features from coordinates in a view. |
Imports features from USGS Land Use and Land Cover files. |
Imports features from Intergraph Design File format (DGN) files, also known as Intergraph Standard File Format (ISFF). |
Imports features from one or more KML files into a geographic file. |
Imports features from an MIF file into a geographic file. |
Imports features from one or more Ordnance Survey NTF volumes into a geographic file. |
Converts TIGER/Line files to standard geographic files. |
Inserts elements into an array. |
Finds where two lines intersect. |
Converts an integer to a string representation of the integer value. |
Computes the internal rate of return for a series of cash flows. |
Checks to see if an array of coordinates is clockwise or not. |
Checks to see if an image can be registered. |
Determines whether an object is in a class or inherits from that class. |
Determines whether a layer is any of the given types. |
Tests whether or not a layer is export protected. |
Tests whether a record is a member of a selection set. |
Determines whether two area features are neighbors. |
Tests to see if the pathname is an absolute pathname. |
Determines whether a view can be exported. |
Determines whether a window is of a given type. |
-J- |
Joins two line features that meet at a common endpoint. |
Joins two endpoints together into a single endpoint feature. |
Returns a concatenated string separated by the delimiter. |
Permanently joins a single table to a geographic file. |
Creates a joined view by linking fields in two existing views. |
Creates a joined view by linking multiple fields in two existing views. |
Converts a proper JSON literal object to an options array. |
-K- |
Returns the kurtosis of a set of numbers. |
-L- |
Open a document, executable, or URL with the appropriate program. |
Starts a Windows program. |
Collects printer settings for a layout window. |
Displays an extended version of the "Print Setup" common dialog, with controls for setting page dimensions and margins. |
Returns the leftmost n characters of a string. |
Returns the length of a string. |
Creates a new line style. |
Lists all the worksheets in an Excel workbook (.xls) file. |
Lists all the files associated with a table or view. |
Loads an array from a file. |
Loads a DLL and returns a handle that can be used in function calls. |
Compiles a Caliper Script resource file. |
Attempts to locate the given files along the search path set by SetSearchPath(). |
Finds the map feature nearest a point location. |
Finds the map features nearest a point location. |
Locates a record based on the value of a field. |
Returns the natural logarithm of a number. |
Returns the common logarithm of a number. |
Finds a value in a view field and returns the values in the corresponding fields of your choice |
Converts a string to lower case. |
Pads a string with spaces to the left. |
-M- |
Translates a longitude-latitude coordinate to a map pixel X-Y coordinate. |
Translates a longitude-latitude coordinate to a local X-Y coordinate, according to map projection. |
Translates a map pixel X-Y coordinate to longitude and latitude. |
Displays an extended version of the "Print" common dialog, with check boxes for whether to print at a fixed scale and whether to print fonts at fixed point size or adjusted to match the map window. |
Translates a local map X-Y coordinate to a longitude-latitude coordinate. |
Returns the larger of two values. |
Maximizes a window so that it fills the Maptitude client area. |
Computes the mean (average) of the elements of an array. |
Computes the median of the elements of an array. |
Creates districts by merging areas from a geographic file, based on the value of a field. |
Merges features from one layer into another. |
Creates a dialog box with a message. |
Returns the smaller of two values. |
Minimizes the specified window. |
Computes the smallest circle that encloses a group of points. |
Returns the remainder (modulus) when one number is divided by another. |
Modifies the file structure of a dBASE, fixed-format text or fixed-format binary table. |
Computes statistics for Moran's I, a measure of spatial autocorrelation |
Computes the new coordinate obtained by moving along a great circle. |
Moves an annotation to a new location. |
Changes the location of an endpoint feature in a standard geographic file. |
Changes the location of a point feature in a standard geographic file. |
-N- |
Returns a new date given an original date and an offset in days. |
Returns the date of the next occurrence of a given day. |
Converts null to zero, a zero-length string, or a specified value. |
-O- |
Determines whether an object's class, or an inherited class, implements a method. |
Creates an editor from a file. |
Creates a new editor window from an editor that appears in a layout. |
Creates a figure window from a file. |
Creates a new figure window from a figure that appears in a layout. |
Opens a text or binary file on disk. |
Opens a file in the GISDK Debugger. |
Creates a layout from a file. |
Open a map file and display it in a map window. |
Creates a new map window from a map that appears in a layout. |
Opens a table from a file on disk and creates a view. |
Restores a workspace from its file. |
Optimizes a standard geographic file for faster display. |
-P- |
Parses a string to create a DateTime compound variable. |
Gets information from a shortcut (.lnk) file. |
Divides a string into pieces separated by the specified delimiters. |
Uses a timer to go into a waiting loop that yields to other processes, allowing Windows messages to be dispatched while waiting. |
Closes the connection with PostgreSQL, if it exists. |
Establishes a connection with PostgreSQL. |
Runs an SQL query on the open PGSQL database connection. |
Retrieves a list of PGSQL databases from the connected database server. |
Retrieves a list of schemas from a PGSQL database. |
Retrieves a list of PGSQL spatial databases from the connected database server. |
Retrieves a list of tables from a PGSQL database. |
Returns all unique fields from the PGSQL database table, as defined in the table constraints. |
Runs an SQL query on the open PGSQL database connection. |
Set database as the current selection in the “Open PostgreSQL Table” dialogue box. |
Set sthe name of the database schema to be displayed to the user in the “Open PostgreSQL Table” dialogue box |
Sets the name of the table to be displayed to the user in the “Open PostgreSQL Table” dialogue box.. |
Returns the value at which a given percentile is reached. |
Plays a multimedia slide show. |
Plays a sound file. |
Returns the position of a substring within a string. |
Search for the first occurrence of a substring within a string, starting the search at a designated position. |
Search for the last occurrence of a substring within a string, ending the search at a designated position. |
Computes the value of a number raised to a power. |
Prints all or part of an editor window. |
Prints a figure as shown in the figure window. |
Prints all or part of a layout window. |
Prints a map as shown in the map window. |
Converts a string to proper case (first letter of each word capitalized). |
Moves an annotation behind all other annotations. |
Puts a file or folder in the recycle bin. |
-R- |
Generates a random number between 0.0 and 1.0. |
Return an array of random samples of the given type of random distribution and parameters defined in the options array. |
Reads a text file into an array of strings. |
Reads a string of characters from a text file. |
Reads a group of strings from a text file. |
Converts a real number to an integer |
Converts a real number to a string |
Converts a record handle to a map feature ID. |
Redraws an editor window. |
Redraws a map window. |
Registers an image to a particular location, scale, and projection. |
Removes a folder (directory). |
Removes a menu item from the currently active menu system. |
Renames a geographic file. |
Renames a field in a view. |
Copies, moves, or changes the name of a file. |
Changes the name of a map layer. |
Changes the name of a selection set. |
Renames all files associated with a table or view. |
Restores the system pointer to the type previously used. |
Empties the log file. |
Resets the title and the maximum number of progress bars that can be created in the progress window to the number prior to the last call to SetProgressWindow(). |
Empties the report file. |
Changes the coordinates of a line feature in a standard geographic file. |
Restores a window to its original size. |
Returns from a called macro or dialog box. |
Returns a new array, with the same elements as the input array, but in the reverse order. |
Reverses the order of shape points on a link. |
Returns the rightmost n characters of a string. |
Returns a value rounded to a specified number of decimal places. |
Pads a string with spaces to the right. |
"Rubber sheets," or performs a mathematical transformation on the coordinates of a geographical layer and produces a new database using the "rubber sheeted" coordinates. |
Runs a dialog box or opens a toolbox or toolbar. |
Runs a macro. |
Runs a DOS executable program. |
-S- |
Creates a sample area object for use in a menu or dialog box. |
Creates a sample line object for use in a menu or dialog box. |
Creates a sample point object for use in a menu or dialog box. |
Creates a sample text object for use in a menu or dialog box. |
Samples the values of the specified field and returns the specified number of unique values. |
Saves an array to a file. |
Saves an editor to a file. |
Saves the editor image as a Windows bitmap file. |
Saves the contents of the editor window to an image file. |
Save the editor image as a JPEG compressed file. |
Saves a figure to a file. |
Saves a figure as a Windows bitmap file. |
Saves the contents of the figure window to an image file. |
Save the figure image as a JPEG compressed file. |
Saves figure graphics to a Windows Enhanced metafile. |
Saves a layout to a file. |
Saves the layout image as a Windows bitmap file. |
Saves the contents of the layout window to an image file. |
Save the layout image as a JPEG compressed file. |
Saves layout graphics to a Windows Enhanced metafile. |
Saves a legend in a separate window to an image file. |
Saves settings for a map window to a file on disk. |
Saves the map image as a Windows bitmap file. |
Saves the contents of the map window to an image file. |
Save the map image as a JPEG compressed file. |
Saves map graphics to a Windows Enhanced metafile. |
Saves the current workspace to a file. |
Creates a scope. |
Checks to see if one scope is completely contained within another. |
Creates a scope that is the intersection of the input scopes. |
Checks to see if one scope overlaps another. |
Creates a scope that encompasses the entire area covered by two input scopes. |
Searches for the path for a filename. |
Selects all the records in the current view. |
Selects all annotations in a map or layout window. |
Adds an annotation to the list of selected annotations. |
Selects map features that are located within a circle. |
Selects the map feature nearest to a coordinate. |
Selects map features from a list of feature IDs stored in a file. |
Selects map features from a list of feature IDs. |
Selects nodes based on a set of links from its associated line layer. |
Selects map features within the current map window. |
Selects links based on a set of nodes from its associated node layer. |
Selects records based on an SQL query. |
Selects records based on an SQL query that is stored in a file. |
Selects the map features located within a scope. |
Selects the map features located inside a shape. |
Selects map features located in or near features in another layer or selection set. |
Selects a feature in the current layer nearest to each feature in another layer or selection set. |
Removes all records from a selection set. |
Adds the current record to a selection set. |
Groups the records in a view, based on a field, to create an aggregate view. |
Initiates a mail program and, if the window is a map window, attaches the associated map. |
Sends a DDE Execute message to another Windows program. |
Sends a DDE Request message to another Windows program. |
Serializes a GISDK object into an options array. |
Sets the name of the alternate User Interface (UI) database. |
Selects features that are in all of several input selection sets. |
Modify an existing annotation in a map or layout window. |
Sets the current area measurement units |
Sets the arrowhead style used to draw line features. |
Sets the color used to draw the border of area features. |
Sets the line style used to draw the border of area features. |
Sets the line width used to draw the border of area features. |
Sets the Cancel button for the dialog box. |
Activates or deactivates the check mark on a menu item. |
Sets the columns displayed in an editor. |
Sets the title of a COM control window. |
Copies a selection set. |
Sets the system pointer cursor style to one of several predefined options. |
Fills values into a field in a view|set from a vector. |
Fills values into fields in a view|set from vectors. |
Links data in an external table to features in an existing point database. |
Sets the Default button for the dialog box. |
Saves current display settings for a layer to a geographic file. |
Sets the default system menu, toolbar, and macros for the frame window. |
Changes how features in a selection set are displayed on a map. |
Sets the title of a .NET control window. |
Sets the highlighted cell in an editor window. |
Sets an option for an editor window. |
Sets an option for an editor window. |
Writes a value or sequence of numbers into a range of cells in an editor window. |
Changes the view and set of records displayed in an editor. |
Sets the value of a DOS environment variable within the current program's process. |
Changes the number of displayed decimals for a real-typed field. |
Changes the way a numeric field is formatted. |
Sets the field sets for a Standard Caliper Geographic file. |
Changes the read-only status of a field. |
Changes the display width of a field. |
Changes the attributes of a file or a directory. |
Sets the color used to fill area features. |
Sets the style used to fill area features. |
Creates a new fill style based on the input with the additional option of transparency. |
Sets the help file to be used by subsequent help queries. |
Sets the status of whether labels that are otherwise hidden are displayed in a lighter shading. |
Sets the font and character or bitmap used to draw point features. |
Sets the color used to draw point features. |
Sets the point size of symbols used to draw point features. |
Selects all features that are not part of another selection set. |
Moves the keyboard focus to a dialog box item. |
Sets the highlighted text in an edit text dialog box item. |
Changes the option settings for labels. |
Sets the status of whether labels can be drawn on top of point icons. |
Sets the label override settings for a map feature. |
Enables or disables labeling for a map layer or selection set. |
Sets the current layer (and the current view). |
Sets the position (drawing order) of a layer in a map. |
Sets the range of scales at which a layer displays (autoscale). |
Sets the autoscale flag for a layer. |
Changes the label used in the legend for the list of sets belonging to a layer. |
Set whether a layer is visible (displayed) in a map. |
Change the options for a layout. |
Sets the number of printed pages in a layout. |
Changes the layout window to display at the scale that was in effect before the most recent change. |
Sets the printer for the current layout window. |
Sets the layout printer settings. |
Sets items in a layout to resize automatically when the page size or number of pages changes. |
Sets the scale of a layout window. |
Controls whether a layer, set, or theme is displayed in the legend. |
Changes the order of items in a manual legend. |
Changes the option settings for a map legend. |
Change the settings for a map legend. |
Sets the color used to draw line features. |
Sets the line style used to draw line features. |
Sets the line width used to draw line features. |
Changes the manual label settings for a layer. |
Makes a map the current map. |
Changes the background color and fill style of a map. |
Sets the default scope of a map. |
Sets the filename for a map. |
Controls whether automatic labels on a map can overlap. |
Sets options for a map window. |
Sets the area covered by a map to be that shown before the last change in scale or scope. |
Sets the projection and coordinate system used in a map. |
Controls whether map windows redraw automatically. |
Sets the flag that indicates whether a map has changed since it was last saved to a file. |
Sets the area covered by a map. |
Sets the title of a map. |
Sets the current map measurement unit. |
Sets the text for a menu item. |
Sets the list of Most Recently Used files displayed in the menu system and the macro to run when one is chosen. |
Selects features that are in any of several input selection sets. |
Sets the current paper measurement unit. |
Set the left, top, right, and bottom printing margin settings. |
Sets the title and the maximum number of progress bars that can be created in the progress window. |
Seeds the RandomNumber() function. |
Sets the current record of a view. |
Writes a value or sequence of numbers into a range of cells in a view on a table. |
Updates the data for a record in a view. |
Toggles showing the reference information when calling GetLastError() |
Sets the name of the report file. |
Sets the order in which rows appear in an editor. |
Creates a sample object based on an input sample with the specified text for use in a menu or dialog box. |
Sets the scale of a map. |
Specifies the search path used by Maptitude to locate files. |
Controls how maps are updated during selection operations. |
Controls whether selection operations update maps automatically. |
Sets the inclusion status for spatial selection. |
Sets the position of a selection set on the current map layer. |
Sets the range of scales at which a selection set displays (autoscale). |
Sets the contents of a section of the status bar. |
Sets the number and size of sections in the status bar. |
Change the label for a class in a color, pattern, dot, or chart theme. |
Change the labels for classes in a color, pattern, dot, or chart theme. |
Sets the fill colors used to draw a theme. |
Sets the fill styles used to draw a theme. |
Sets the icon colors used to draw a theme. |
Sets the icons used to draw a theme. |
Sets the line colors used to draw a theme. |
Sets the line styles used to draw a theme. |
Sets the line widths used to draw a theme. |
Change some theme options. |
Sets the active tool item |
Sets the current view (and the current layer). |
Changes the read-only status of a view. |
Controls the portion of a layout that is displayed in a layout window. |
Makes a window the currently active window. |
Stores an array with a window. |
Sets the position of the a window. |
Sets the size of the specified or currently active window. |
Sets the size of the specified or currently active window. |
Selects features that are in only one of several selection sets. |
Does a left arithmetic shift of the bits in an integer. |
Does a right arithmetic shift of the bits in an integer. |
Displays a Windows dialog box containing the contents of an array, including nested sub-arrays. |
Displays a Windows bitmap file in a window. |
Shows a previously hidden dialog box, toolbox, or toolbar. |
Shows a previously hidden dialog box item. |
Shows a map legend. |
Shows a message in a standard Windows message box. |
Displays a snapshot and sets the map scope to match. |
Displays a theme on a layer or selection set. |
Computes the sign of a number. |
Computes the sine of an angle. |
Computes the hyperbolic sine of an angle. |
Returns the skew of the values in an array. |
Uses a timer to go into a waiting loop that yields to other processes. |
Produces a new point database where the points are all moved into or out of polygons in an area layer. |
Sorts the elements of an array. |
Sorts the records in a selection set based on the values of one or more fields. |
Sorts the elements of a vector in ascending order. |
Sorts an array of vectors in ascending order, based on the first vector. |
Splits a line feature at a given coordinate. |
Splits a node into one node for each line that is connected to it. |
Splits a path and filename into its component parts. |
Divides a string into pieces based on the position of vertical bars (|) in that string. |
Returns the square root of a number. |
Increases the efficiency of a standard geographic area file. |
Converts an address string into a normalized form for address matching, according to a file of transformation rules. |
Standardizes address strings in a view and writes the results to a table. |
Starts the GISDK Debugger. |
Initializes reading from a GPS device. |
Computes the standard deviation of an array of numbers. |
Closes a GPS device. |
Compares two strings to see if they match.. |
Converts a real number to a string. |
Returns the length of a string. |
Converts a string to an integer value. |
Converts a string to a real number. |
Extracts a number of elements from an array. |
Extracts a number of elements from a vector. |
Replaces a matching substring with a new string. |
Returns the input string with all occurrences of the characters listed in the find string replaced with the characters in the replacement string. |
Extracts a portion of a string. |
Computes the sum of an array of numbers. |
-T- |
Indicates whether a table has an existing translation table (codes). |
Fills a field in a layer with information about the nearest feature in another layer. |
Computes the tangent of an angle. |
Computes the hyperbolic tangent of an angle. |
Creates an enhanced version of a standard Windows Message. |
Provides information on the classes created by a call to CreateTheme(). |
Causes an error to be raised. |
Determines the version of a TIGER/Line file. |
Tiles all open windows. |
Gets the minimum and maximum elevations in a TIN. |
Gets the scope for a TIN. |
Transposes an array of arrays, where element b[i][j] = a[j][i]. |
Removes the leading and trailing spaces from a string. |
Indicates the Caliper Script type of variable. |
-U- |
Removes registration information from a TIFF image file. |
Removes the current record from a selection set. |
Runs the update macro of a toolbox or toolbar. |
Updates all the linked datasets in the system. |
Updates a progress bar in the progress window. |
Converts a string to upper case. |
-V- |
Converts a string to a real number. |
Returns the variance on an array of numbers. |
Creates a vector. |
Computes a given statistic for the vector. |
Copies a vector to an array. |
Verifies the validity of an expression. |
Verifies whether an SQL query has the correct syntax. |
-W- |
Extracts one word from a string. |
Writes the elements of an array to a text file. |
Writes the elements of an array to a file, separated by a delimiter. |
Writes string of characters to a text file. |
-Z- |
Converts a zero numeric value to null |
Changes the scale and center of a map. |
Changes the layout scale by a factor. |
Changes the scale of a map. |
©2025 Caliper Corporation | |